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Species found: 466
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Chariergodes turrialbae Giesbert, 1991
Coleoptera, Cerambycidae
Chrysaethe amboroensis Clarke, 2010
Chrysaethe amoena Gounelle, 1911
Chrysaethe asperiventris Bates, 1872
Chrysaethe atrata Bates, 1872
Chrysaethe atrocephala Fisher, 1947
Chrysaethe aurantipennis Giesbert, 1991
Chrysaethe aurata Bates, 1870
Chrysaethe aureicollis Aurivillius, 1920
Chrysaethe beltiana Bates, 1872
Chrysaethe cyanipennis Bates, 1872
Chrysaethe globulicollis Melzer, 1935
Chrysaethe iodes Bates, 1885
Chrysaethe jorgei Tavakilian & Peñaherrera, 2003
Chrysaethe ochraceicollis Zajciw, 1965
Chrysaethe smaragdina Bates, 1870
Chrysaethe viriditincta Giesbert, 1991
Chrysommata keithi Tavakilian & Peñaherrera, 2003
Chrysommata lauracea Peñaherrera & Tavakilian, 2003
Clepitoides anae Clarke, 2009
Clepitoides gerardi Clarke, 2009
Clepitoides neei Clarke, 2009
Corallancyla durantoni Peñaherrera & Tavakilian, 2003
Corallancyla neotropica Tippmann, 1960
Crossomeles acutipennis Chemsak & Noguera, 1993
Crossomeles aureopilis Fisher, 1953
Cylindrommata longissima Tippmann, 1960
Eclipta aberlenci Tavakilian & Peñaherrera, 2005
Eclipta aegrota Bates, 1872
Eclipta amabilis Melzer, 1935
Eclipta amanoaphila Peñaherrera & Tavakilian, 2003
Eclipta anoguttata Bates, 1873
Eclipta astrigae Tavakilian & Peñaherrera, 2003
Eclipta atripes Fisher, 1952
Eclipta bauhiniae Peñaherrera & Tavakilian, 2004
Eclipta bicoloripes Zajciw, 1965
Eclipta bilineaticollis Zajciw, 1965
Eclipta bipunctata Melzer, 1935
Eclipta bistriaticollis Zajciw, 1965
Eclipta bivittata Fuchs, 1961
Eclipta bivitticollis Fisher, 1952
Eclipta brachialis Bates, 1873
Eclipta brasiliensis Fisher, 1947
Eclipta brevipennis Melzer, 1935
Eclipta castanea Bates, 1873
Eclipta championella Bates, 1880
Eclipta collarti Fuchs, 1959
Eclipta costipennis Giesbert, 1991
Eclipta cribripennis Bates, 1873
Eclipta croceicornis Gounelle, 1911
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