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Amphipsyche senegalensis Brauer, 1875
Trichoptera, Hydropsychidae
Amphipsyche sinhala Barnard, 1984
Amphipsyche ulmeri Kimmins, 1962
Antillopsyche ayacara Botosaneanu, 1980
Trichoptera, Polycentropodidae
Antillopsyche demma Botosaneanu, 1996
Antillopsyche tubicola Flint, 1964
Antillopsyche wrighti Banks, 1941
Aoteapsyche catherinae McFarlane, 1960
Aoteapsyche colonica McLachlan, 1871
Aoteapsyche philpotti Tillyard, 1924
Aoteapsyche raruraru McFarlane, 1973
Aoteapsyche tepoka Mosely in Mosely & Kimmins, 1953
Aoteapsyche tipua McFarlane, 1964
Arctopsyche amurensis Martynov, 1934
Arctopsyche arcuata Schmid, 1968
Arctopsyche bicornis Schmid, 1968
Arctopsyche californica Ling, 1938
Arctopsyche cervinata Mey, 1997
Arctopsyche composita Martynov, 1930
Arctopsyche fissa Schmid, 1968
Arctopsyche grandis Banks, 1900
Arctopsyche hirayamai Matsumura, 1931
Arctopsyche hynreck Malicky & Chantaramongkol, 1991
Arctopsyche inaequispinosa Schmid, 1968
Arctopsyche inermis Banks, 1943
Arctopsyche integra Schmid, 1968
Arctopsyche irrorata Banks, 1905
Arctopsyche ladogensis Kolenati, 1859
Arctopsyche lobata Martynov, 1930
Arctopsyche mesogona Mey, 1997
Arctopsyche palpata Martynov, 1934
Arctopsyche pluviosa Navas, 1916
Arctopsyche reticulata Ulmer, 1915
Arctopsyche spinifera Ulmer, 1907
Arctopsyche tricornis Schmid, 1968
Arctopsyche trispinosa Schmid, 1968
Arctopsyche variabilis Schmid, 1968
Arctopsyche vietnamensis Mey, 1997
Asmicridea edwardsii McLachlan, 1866
Asmicridea grisea Mosely, 1933
Austropsyche bifurcata Kimmins in Mosely & Kimmins, 1953
Austropsyche bispinosa Jacquemart, 1965
Austropsyche victoriana Banks, 1939
Austrotinodes adamsae Flint, 1996
Trichoptera, Ecnomidae
Austrotinodes amazonensis Flint & Denning, 1989
Austrotinodes ancylus Flint & Denning, 1989
Austrotinodes angustior Schmid, 1955
Austrotinodes ariasi Flint & Denning, 1989
Austrotinodes armiger Flint, 1983
Austrotinodes bracteatus Flint & Denning, 1989
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