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Nemotelus basilaris Woodley, 2001
Diptera, Stratiomyidae
Nemotelus beameri James, 1933
Nemotelus beckeri Hauser, 1998
Nemotelus bellulus Melander, 1903
Nemotelus biondii Mason, 1997
Nemotelus bipunctatus Loew, 1846
Nemotelus bomynensis Pleske, 1937
Nemotelus bonnarius Johnson, 1912
Nemotelus brachystomus Loew, 1846
Nemotelus brevirostis Meigen, 1822
Nemotelus brevirostris Meigen, 1822
Nemotelus bruesii Melander, 1903
Nemotelus canadensis Loew, 1863
Nemotelus candidus Becker, 1906
Nemotelus capensis Walker, 1851
Nemotelus carthaginis Becker, 1906
Nemotelus catharistis Lindner, 1930
Nemotelus centralis Hanson, 1958
Nemotelus chaineyi Mason, 1997
Nemotelus cheminii Mason, 1997
Nemotelus chilensis James, 1974
Nemotelus chlorhimas James, 1974
Nemotelus cingulatus Dufour, 1852
Nemotelus clunipes Lindner, 1960
Nemotelus cochraneae Mason, 1997
Nemotelus communis Hanson, 1958
Nemotelus congruens Kertesz, 1914
Nemotelus consentiens Lindner, 1959
Nemotelus contiquus James, 1974
Nemotelus convexiceps James, 1974
Nemotelus crenatus Egger, 1859
Nemotelus crinitus Hanson, 1963
Nemotelus curdistanus Szilady, 1941
Nemotelus cylindricornis Rozkosny, 1977
Nemotelus cypriacus Lindner, 1937
Nemotelus dampfi James, 1941
Nemotelus danielssoni Mason, 1989
Nemotelus dentatus Becker, 1902
Nemotelus diehli Lindner, 1941
Nemotelus dimidiatus Lindner, 1935
Nemotelus duofasciatus Woodley, 2001
Nemotelus eburneopictus James, 1974
Nemotelus exsul James, 1960
Nemotelus exul Walker, 1851
Nemotelus fasciventris Becker, 1913
Nemotelus flavicornis Johnson, 1894
Nemotelus flavocingulatus Kertesz, 1914
Nemotelus fozzeri Mason, 1997
Nemotelus frontalis Oliver, 1811
Nemotelus frontosa Hine, 1901
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