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Acanthocnema himalaica Suwa, 1986
Diptera, Scathophagidae
Acanthocnema longispina Suwa, 1986
Acanthocnema nigrimana Zetterstedt, 1846
Acanthocnema ruficauda Curran, 1929
Acanthocnema sternalis Suwa, 1986
Acanthodotheca acridiophagoides Lopes and Downs, 1951
Diptera, Sarcophagidae
Acanthodotheca alcedo Aldrich, 1916
Acanthodotheca apertella Parker, 1920
Acanthodotheca beameri Hall, 1931
Acanthodotheca complosa Reinhard, 1947
Acanthodotheca compressa Reinhard, 1947
Acanthodotheca eleodis Aldrich, 1916
Acanthodotheca excisa Aldrich, 1916
Acanthodotheca hamata Aldrich, 1916
Acanthodotheca magna Aldrich, 1916
Acanthodotheca masculina Aldrich, 1916
Acanthodotheca omani Hall, 1931
Acanthodotheca prohibita Aldrich, 1916
Acanthodotheca reperta Reinhard, 1947
Acanthodotheca rudis Aldrich, 1916
Acanthodotheca savoryi Parker, 1920
Acanthodotheca spretor Reinhard, 1947
Acanthodotheca thyceae Reinhard, 1945
Acantholeria armipes Loew, 1862
Diptera, Heleomyzidae
Acantholeria caucasica Gorodkov, 1962
Acantholeria cineraria Loew, 1862
Acantholeria czernyi Gorodkov, 1966
Acantholeria dentitibia Oldenberg, 1916
Acantholeria desrtorum Czerny, 1932
Acantholeria monstrosa Gorodkov, 1966
Acantholeria moscowa Garrett, 1925
Acantholeria stackelbergi Gorodkov, 1966
Acantholeria vockerothi Hackman, 1969
Acantholespesia comstocki Williston, 1889
Diptera, Tachinidae
Acantholespesia signata Aldrich and Webber, 1924
Acantholespesia texana Aldrich and Webber, 1924
Acanthoneuropsis achiodes Enderlein, 1911
Diptera, Platystomatidae
Acanthoneuropsis bismarckburgensis Enderlein, 1924
Acanthoneuropsis difficilis Frey, 1932
Acanthoneuropsis hendeli Enderlein, 1922
Acanthoneuropsis laticeps Enderlein, 1922
Acanthoneuropsis tephritima Enderlein, 1912
Acanthonevra affluens Hering, 1951
Diptera, Tephritidae
Acanthonevra amurensis Portschinsky, 1892
Acanthonevra ceramensis Meijere, 1913
Acanthonevra continua Hardy, 1986
Acanthonevra desperata Hering, 1939
Acanthonevra dunlopi Wulp, 1880
Acanthonevra formosana Enderlein, 1911
Acanthonevra fuscipennis Macquart, 1843
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