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Asteia nigerrima Seguy, 1938
Diptera, Asteiidae
Asteia nigriceps Bezzi, 1928
Asteia nigrigena Sueyoshi, 2003
Asteia nigripes Duda, 1927
Asteia nigrithorax Duda, 1927
Asteia nigrohalterata Duda, 1927
Asteia nigroscutellata Duda, 1927
Asteia nitida Duda, 1927
Asteia nudiseta Sabrosky
Asteia palikuensis Hardy and Delfinado, 1980
Asteia plaumanni Sabrosky, 1957
Asteia pusillima Frey, 1917
Asteia ramusculata Sabrosky, 1956
Asteia regalis Papp, 1979
Asteia sabroskyi Hardy and Delfinado, 1980
Asteia semilunata Sabrosky, 1957
Asteia sexsetosa Duda, 1927
Asteia societas Malloch, 1933
Asteia spinosa Sabrosky, 1943
Asteia striatifrons Malloch, 1930
Asteia tarsalis Malloch, 1932
Asteia tenuis Walker, 1861
Asteia tonnoiri Malloch, 1930
Asteia tunisica Papp, 1979
Asteia vanharteni Deeming, 2010
Asteia vietnamensis Papp, 1974
Astiosoma aridum Sabrosky, 1957
Astiosoma flaveolum Coquillett, 1898
Astiosoma hirtum Aldrich, 1915
Astiosoma lineatum Aldrich, 1915
Astiosoma malayense Sabrosky, 1956
Astiosoma melbournense Malloch, 1927
Astiosoma okinawae Sabrosky, 1957
Astiosoma rufifrons Duda, 1927
Astiosoma sabulosum Forrest & Wheeler, 2002
Bahamia longiceps Sabrosky, 1957
Bryania bipunctata Aldrich
Crepidohamma bicolor Loew, 1866
Crepidohamma blantoni Sabrosky, 1957
Crepidohamma brasiliensis Enderlein, 1915
Crepidohamma cinctipes Sabrosky, 1943
Crepidohamma flavifrons Sabrosky, 1957
Crepidohamma frontalis Aldrich, 1915
Crepidohamma hillifera Sabrosky, 1957
Crepidohamma insularis Malloch, 1930
Crepidohamma nigra Sabrosky, 1957
Crepidohamma nigrifrons Sabrosky, 1957
Crepidohamma obscura Sabrosky, 1957
Crepidohamma pseudocinctipes Sabrosky, 1943
Crepidohamma rica Curran, 1934
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