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Crois pinguis Key, 1976
Orthoptera, Morabidae
Culmacris archaica Key, 1979
Culmacris curvicercus Sjöstedt, 1934
Culmacris diversa Key, 1979
Culmacris orientalis Key, 1976
Drysdalopila lamellicercus Key, 1977
Filoraba phallica Key, 1976
Flindersella acuticercus Key, 1976
Flindersella improcera Rehn, J.A.G. 1952
Furculifera gracilifurca Key, 1976
Geckomima arnhemana Key & Colless, 1982
Geckomima brevicornis Walker, F., 1870
Geckomima brevirostris Sjöstedt, 1921
Geckomima drysdaleana Key & Colless, 1982
Geckomima gecko Sjöstedt, 1920
Geckomima handschini Key, 1976
Geckomima leopoldana Key & Colless, 1982
Geckomima lesueuri Rehn, J.A.G. 1952
Geckomima nepos Key & Colless, 1982
Geckomima pilbara Key & Colless, 1982
Geckomima tindalei Key & Colless, 1982
Geckomima yampi Key & Colless, 1982
Georgina syllophica Key, 1976
Hastella calabyi Key, 1981
Hastella govensis Key, 1981
Hastella koongarra Key, 1981
Hastella longirostris Sjöstedt, 1934
Hastella obtusipinnis Key, 1976
Hastella spinipinnis Key, 1981
Heide amiculi Sjöstedt, 1921
Heide corindiensis Key, 1976
Heide fratercula Rehn, J.A.G. 1952
Heide keyi Rehn, J.A.G. 1952
Heide macleayorum Rehn, J.A.G. 1952
Heide prora Rehn, J.A.G. 1952
Keyacris interpres Rehn, J.A.G. 1952
Keyacris marcida Rehn, J.A.G. 1952
Keyacris scurra Rehn, J.A.G. 1952
Malleolopha falcilophus Key, 1976
Micromeeka minuta Key, 1976
Moraba asinus Rehn, J.A.G. 1952
Moraba concolor Key, 1977
Moraba darwinensis Key, 1977
Moraba longiscapus Sjöstedt, 1921
Moraba missilliformis Rehn, J.A.G. 1952
Moraba obscura Sjöstedt, 1921
Moraba serricornis Walker, F., 1870
Moraba walkeri Key, 1977
Moritala bipunctata Sjöstedt, 1921
Moritala hasta Key, 1976
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