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Species found: 198
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Alucita nubifera Meyrick, 1921
Lepidoptera, Alucitidae
Alucita objurgatella Walsingham, 1907
Alucita ochracea Marumo, 1923
Alucita ochriprota Hering, 1917
Alucita ochrozona Meyrick, 1910
Alucita palodactyla (Zeller, 1847)
Alucita panduris Meyrick, 1911
Alucita panolbia Walsingham, 1915
Alucita patria Meyrick, 1922
Alucita pectinata (Scholz & Jackh, 1994)
Alucita pepperella Whalley, 1962
Alucita phanerarcha Meyrick, 1924
Alucita philomela Meyrick, 1937
Alucita phricodes Meyrick, 1886
Alucita pinalea Meyrick, 1907
Alucita pliginskii (Zagulajev, 2000)
Alucita plumigera Strand, 1913
Alucita pluvialis Meyrick, 1907
Alucita postfasciata Fletcher, 1910
Alucita proseni Pastrana, 1951
Alucita pselioxantha Meyrick, 1929
Alucita pterochroma Clarke, 1986
Alucita punctiferella Walker, 1866
Alucita pusilla Hashimoto, 1984
Alucita pygmaea Meyrick, 1890
Alucita rhaptica Meyrick, 1920
Alucita rhymotoma Meyrick, 1921
Alucita riggii Orfila, 1949
Alucita ruens Meyrick, 1929
Alucita sailtavica Zagulajev, 1993
Alucita sakhalinica Zagulajev, 1995
Alucita semophantis Meyrick, 1929
Alucita sertifera Meyrick, 1921
Alucita seychellensis Fletcher, 1910
Alucita sikkima Moore, 1887
Alucita spicifera Meyrick, 1913
Alucita spilodesma Meyrick, 1907
Alucita stephanopsis Meyrick, 1921
Alucita straminea Hashimoto, 1984
Alucita sycophanta Meyrick, 1906
Alucita synnephodactyla Alphéraky, 1876
Alucita tandilensis Pastrana, 1960
Alucita tesserata Meyrick, 1918
Alucita thapsina Meyrick, 1905
Alucita toxophila Meyrick, 1906
Alucita trachydesma Meyrick, 1929
Alucita trachyptera Meyrick, 1906
Alucita tridentata (Scholz & Jackh, 1994)
Alucita triscausta Meyrick, 1907
Alucita xanthodes Meyrick, 1890
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