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Species found: 653
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Choroterpes gregoryi Avila & Flowers, 2006
Ephemeroptera, Leptophlebiidae
Choroterpes hainanensis You & Gui, 1995
Choroterpes inornata Eaton, 1892
Choroterpes lesbosensis Gaino & Sowa, 1985
Choroterpes mairena Avila & Flowers, 2006
Choroterpes ndebele Agnew, 1962
Choroterpes nervosa Eaton, 1892
Choroterpes nigrescens Barnard, 1932
Choroterpes pacis Sartori, 1991
Choroterpes petersi Tong & Dudgeon, 2003
Choroterpes picteti Eaton, 1871
Choroterpes prati Puig & Gaino, 1996
Choroterpes proba Ulmer, 1939
Choroterpes salamannai Gaino & Puig, 1996
Choroterpes terratoma Seemann, 1927
Choroterpes ungulus Lugo-Ortiz & McCafferty, 1996
Choroterpes vinculum Traver, 1947
Choroterpes volubilis Thomas & Vitte, 1988
Choroterpides exigua Eaton, 1884
Choroterpides hainanensis You & Gui, 1995
Choroterpides major Ulmer, 1939
Choroterpides minor Dang, 1967
Choroterpides nigella Kang & Yang, 1994
Coula fasciata Peters & Peters, 1980
Cryophlebia aucklandensis Peters, 1971
Cryptopenella anhuiensis Wu & You, 1992
Cryptopenella facialis Gillies, 1951
Cryptopenella tumebasalis Zhou, 2006
Dactylophlebia carnulenta Pescador & Peters, 1980
Deleatidium angustum Towns & Peters, 1996
Deleatidium atricolor Hitchings, 2009
Deleatidium autumnale Phillips, 1930
Deleatidium branchiola Hitchings, 2009
Deleatidium cerinum Phillips, 1930
Deleatidium cornutum Towns & Peters, 1996
Deleatidium fumosum Phillips, 1930
Deleatidium furciferum Eaton, 1871
Deleatidium insolitus Towns & Peters, 1979
Deleatidium kiwa Hitchings, 2010
Deleatidium lillii Eaton, 1899
Deleatidium magnum Towns & Peters, 1996
Deleatidium myzobranchia Phillips, 1930
Deleatidium nanatum Harker, 1954
Deleatidium patricki Hitchings, 2008
Deleatidium strigatum Eaton, 1871
Deleatidium townsi Hitchings, 2009
Deleatidium vernale Phillips, 1930
Deleatidium wardorum Hitchings, 2010
Demoulinellus coloratus Pescador & Peters, 1982
Dipterophlebiodes sarawacensis Demoulin, 1954
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