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Adicella evohe Schmid, 1994
Trichoptera, Leptoceridae
Adicella filicornis Pictet, 1834
Adicella fulva Kimmins, 1963
Adicella gada Huisman & Andersen, 1997
Adicella hakkariensis Malicky, 1987
Adicella hebe Schmid, 1994
Adicella hypseloknossoios Malicky, 1977
Adicella ino Hagen, 1858
Adicella josephinae Gonzalez & Otero, 1981
Adicella lais Schmid, 1994
Adicella lampito Schmid, 1994
Adicella leda Schmid, 1994
Adicella leto Schmid, 1994
Adicella linearia Mey, 1997
Adicella longicercus Kimmins, 1963
Adicella longicornis Yang & Morse, 2000
Adicella longiramosa Yang & Morse, 2000
Adicella maculata Kimmins, 1963
Adicella magna Kimmins, 1959
Adicella mangyana Mey, 1995
Adicella maura Navas, 1922
Adicella melanella McLachlan, 1884
Adicella meridionalis Morton, 1906
Adicella mita Yang & Morse, 2000
Adicella monachus Barnard, 1940
Adicella myrtho Schmid, 1994
Adicella najas Hagen, 1859
Adicella narendraya Schmid, 1961
Adicella nigropunctata Ulmer, 1930
Adicella niobe Schmid, 1994
Adicella nyse Schmid, 1994
Adicella occidentalis Gibon, 1986
Adicella ordinaria Mey, 1995
Adicella oviformis Ulmer, 1951
Adicella papillosa Yang & Morse, 2000
Adicella paramangyana Mey, 1997
Adicella penicillaris Yang & Morse, 2000
Adicella phoebe Schmid, 1994
Adicella phyrne Schmid, 1994
Adicella pulcherrima Ulmer, 1906
Adicella rectangulata Mey, 1997
Adicella reducta McLachlan, 1865
Adicella silvestris Kimmins, 1959
Adicella similis Ulmer, 1932
Adicella starmuehlneri Malicky, 1979
Adicella syriaca Ulmer, 1907
Adicella thais Schmid, 1994
Adicella thalia Malicky, 1976
Adicella thalie Schmid, 1994
Adicella tridigitata Yang & Morse, 2000
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