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Antocha platyphallus Alexander, 1935
Diptera, Tipulidae
Antocha platystylis Alexander, 1974
Antocha plumbea Alexander, 1936
Antocha possessiva Young, 1994
Antocha postnotalis Alexander, 1974
Antocha praescutalis Alexander, 1936
Antocha prefurcata Alexander, 1950
Antocha prolixistyla Alexander, 1971
Antocha pterographa Alexander, 1953
Antocha quadrifurca Alexander, 1971
Antocha quadrirhaphis Alexander, 1971
Antocha quadrispinosa Alexander, 1963
Antocha ramulifera Savchenko, 1983
Antocha rectispina Alexander, 1954
Antocha retracta Edwards, 1933
Antocha sagana Alexander, 1932
Antocha salikensis Alexander, 1958
Antocha satsuma Alexander, 1919
Antocha saxicola Osten Sacken
Antocha scapularis Alexander, 1968
Antocha scelesta Alexander, 1936
Antocha schmidi Alexander, 1958
Antocha scutella Alexander, 1973
Antocha scutifera Alexander, 1973
Antocha setigera Alexander, 1933
Antocha setosa Alexander, 1960
Antocha shansiensis Alexander, 1954
Antocha simplex Alexander, 1970
Antocha sparsipunctata Alexander, 1936
Antocha sparsissima Alexander, 1974
Antocha spinifer Alexander, 1919
Antocha spiralis Alexander, 1932
Antocha stenophallus Alexander, 1974
Antocha streptocera Alexander, 1949
Antocha studiosa Alexander, 1951
Antocha styx Alexander, 1930
Antocha subconfluenta Alexander, 1930
Antocha tana Alexander, 1972
Antocha tanycera Alexander, 1963
Antocha tasmanica Alexander, 1928
Antocha thienemanni Alexander, 1931
Antocha transvaalia Alexander, 1921
Antocha triangularis Brunetti, 1912
Antocha tuberculata Torii, 1992
Antocha turkestanica de Meijere, 1921
Antocha unicollis Alexander, 1968
Antocha unilineata Brunetti, 1912
Antocha uyei Alexander, 1928
Antocha venosa Alexander, 1964
Antocha vitripennis Meigen, 1830
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