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Species found: 2803
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Aethiopina semicirculata Gaede, 1929
Lepidoptera, Cossidae
Agriomelissa gypsospora Meyrick, 1931
Lepidoptera, Sesiidae
Albuna africana Le Cerf, 1917
Albuna carulifera Hampson, 1919
Albuna dybowskyi Le Cerf, 1917
Albuna fraxini (Edwards, 1881)
Albuna isozona Meyrick, 1886
Albuna oberthuri Le Cerf, 1916
Albuna pyramidalis (Walker, 1856)
Albuna zoniota Turner, 1922
Alcathoe altera Zukowsky, 1937
Alcathoe carolinensis Engelhardt, 1925
Alcathoe caudata (Harris, 1839)
Alcathoe daturae Busck, 1920
Alcathoe korites (Druce, 1884)
Alcathoe leucopyga Bryk, 1953
Alcathoe melini Bryk, 1953
Alcathoe pepsioides Engelhardt, 1925
Alcathoe verrugo (Druce, 1884)
Allocryptobia mucorea Herrich-Schäffer, 1853
Allocryptobia musae Herrich-Schäffer, 1854
Allostylus caerulescens Schaus, 1911
Alonina difformis Hampson, 1919
Alonina rhynchiformis Walker, 1856
Amauta ambatensis (Houlbert, 1917)
Lepidoptera, Castniidae
Amauta angusta Druce, 1907
Amauta cacica (Herrich-Schäffer, [1854])
Amauta hodeei (Oberthür, 1881)
Amauta jeannei Rebel, 1915
Amauta papilionaris (Walker, [1865])
Amauta procera Boisduval, 1875
Amauta velutina Houlbert, 1917
Amphithales episcopopa Meyrick, 1926
Anastomophleps claosticha Hering, 1923
Anaudia felderi Wallengren, 1863
Andesiana neurotenes Turner, 1932
Arbelodes albivenata Hampson, 1910
Arbelodes bisinuata Hampson, 1920
Arbelodes castanea Gaede, 1929
Arbelodes collaris Aurivillius, 1921
Arbelodes diagonalis Hampson, 1910
Arbelodes griseata Janse, 1925
Arbelodes guttata Aurivillius, 1910
Arbelodes meridionalis Karsch, 1896
Arbelodes minima Hampson, 1920
Arbelodes obliquifascia Hampson, 1910
Arbelodes rufula Hampson, 1910
Arbelodes semifasciata Gaede, 1929
Arbelodes tetrasticta Hampson, 1910
Arcticossus danieli Clench, 1959
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