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Ancepaspis edentata Ferris, 1919
Hemiptera, Diaspididae
Ancepaspis longicauda Brimblecombe, 1959
Ancepaspis magnicauda Brimblecombe, 1959
Ancepaspis novemdentata Ferris, 1921
Ancepaspis quadridentata Ferris, 1942
Ancepaspis reticulata Brimblecombe, 1959
Ancepaspis rotundicauda Brimblecombe, 1959
Ancepaspis striata Brimblecombe, 1959
Ancepaspis tridentata Ferris, 1919
Andaspis ambigua Brain, 1920
Andaspis antidesmae Rao in Rao & Ferris, 1952
Andaspis arcana Matile-Ferrero, 1988
Andaspis artocarpi Borchsenius, 1967
Andaspis asteliae Green, 1929
Andaspis betulae Borchsenius, 1967
Andaspis bulba Munting, 1965
Andaspis citricola Young & Hu, 1981
Andaspis crawii Cockerell, 1896
Andaspis erythrinae Rutherford, 1914
Andaspis ficicola Young & Hu, 1981
Andaspis formicarum Ben-Dov, 1978
Andaspis halli Rao in Rao & Ferris, 1952
Andaspis hawaiiensis Maskell, 1895
Andaspis hibisci Grandpré & Charmoy, 1899
Andaspis incisor Green, 1916
Andaspis indica Borchsenius, 1967
Andaspis kashicola Takahashi, 1957
Andaspis kazimiae Williams, 1963
Andaspis laingi Rao in Rao & Ferris, 1952
Andaspis laurentina Almeida, 1971
Andaspis leucophleae Rao in Rao & Ferris, 1952
Andaspis leucophloeae Rao, 1952
Andaspis maai Williams & Watson, 1988
Andaspis mackieana Mckenzie, 1943
Andaspis meliae Green, 1919
Andaspis micropori Borchsenius, 1958
Andaspis mori Ferris in Rao & Ferris, 1952
Andaspis naracola Takagi, 1960
Andaspis numerata Brimblecombe, 1959
Andaspis piceae Takagi & Kawai, 1966
Andaspis punicae Laing, 1929
Andaspis quercicola Borchsenius, 1967
Andaspis raoi Borchsenius, 1967
Andaspis recurrens Takagi & Kawai, 1966
Andaspis retrusa Ramakrishna Ayyar, 1919
Andaspis rutae Tang, 1986
Andaspis schimae Tang, 1986
Andaspis spinosa Williams & Watson, 1988
Andaspis tokyoensis Takagi & Kawai, 1966
Andaspis vandae Rutherford, 1915
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