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Acerpenna macdunnoughi Ide, 1937
Ephemeroptera, Baetidae
Acerpenna pygmaea Hagen, 1861
Aciagrion africanum Martin, 1908
Odonata, Coenagrionidae
Aciagrion approximans Selys, 1876
Aciagrion azureum Fraser, 1922
Aciagrion balachowskyi Legrand, 1982
Aciagrion borneense Ris, 1911
Aciagrion brosseti Legrand, 1982
Aciagrion dondoense Dijkstra, 2007
Aciagrion fasciculare Lieftinck, 1934
Aciagrion feuerborni Schmidt, 1934
Aciagrion fragile Tillyard, 1906
Aciagrion gracile Sjostedt, 1909
Aciagrion hamoni Fraser, 1955
Aciagrion heterostictum Fraser, 1955
Aciagrion hisopa Selys, 1876
Aciagrion huaanense Xu, 2005
Aciagrion macrootithenae Pinhey, 1972
Aciagrion migratum Selys, 1876
Aciagrion nodosum Pinhey, 1964
Aciagrion occidentale Laidlaw, 1919
Aciagrion olympicum Laidlaw, 1919
Aciagrion pallidum Selys, 1891
Aciagrion pinheyi Samways, 2001
Aciagrion rarum Longfield, 1947
Aciagrion steeleae Kimmins, 1955
Aciagrion tillyardi Laidlaw, 1919
Aciagrion tonsillare Lieftinck, 1937
Aciagrion walteri Carfi & D'Andrea, 1994
Aciagrion zambiense Pinhey, 1972
Acisoma panorpoides Rambur, 1842
Odonata, Libellulidae
Acisoma trifidum Kirby, 1889
Acrogomphus fraseri Laidlaw, 1925
Odonata, Gomphidae
Acrogomphus jubilaris Lieftinck, 1964
Acrogomphus malayanus Laidlaw, 1925
Acrogomphus minor Laidlaw, 1931
Acrogomphus mohani Sahni, 1965
Acrogomphus walshae Lieftinck, 1935
Adebrotus amazonicus Lugo-Ortiz & McCafferty, 1995
Adebrotus lugoi Salles, 2010
Adenophlebia auriculata Eaton, 1871
Ephemeroptera, Leptophlebiidae
Adenophlebia burgeoni Navás, 1929
Adenophlebia dislocans Walker, 1860
Adenophlebia infuscata Navás, 1936
Adenophlebia peringueyella Lestage, 1924
Adenophlebia sylvatica Crass, 1947
Adenophlebiodes adrieni Elouard-Hideux & Elouard, 1991
Adenophlebiodes bicolor Crass, 1947
Adenophlebiodes callasae Elouard-Hideux & Elouard, 1991
Adenophlebiodes decoratus Navás, 1931
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