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Acricotopus nitidellus Malloch, 1915
Diptera, Chironomidae
Acricotopus simplex Zhang & Wang, 2004
Acricotopus zhalingensis Zhang & Wang, 2004
Aedokritus coffeatus Trivinho-Strixino, 1997
Aedokritus penicilligerus Edwards, 1931
Aedokritus platycnemis Edwards, 1931
Aedokritus pruinescens Edwards, 1931
Aedokritus sartis Roback, 1960
Aedokritus souzalopesi Oliviera, 1989
Aenne triassica Krzeminski & Jarzembowski, 1999
Afrochlus harrisoni Freeman, 1964
Afrohelea capensis Meillon & Hardy, 1954
Diptera, Ceratopogonidae
Afrothaumalea capensis Sinclair & Stuckenberg, 1995
Diptera, Thaumaleidae
Afrothaumalea pamelae Stuckenberg, 1960
Agilihelea jiania Yu, 2005
Allocladius arenarius (Strenzke, 1960)
Allocladius azoricus (Stora, 1945)
Allocladius bothnicus (Tuiskunen, 1984)
Allocladius longicrus (Kieffer, 1921)
Allocladius nanseni (Kieffer, 1926)
Allocladius niger Kieffer, 1913
Allohelea afra Clastrier & Delecolle, 1990
Allohelea annulata Yu & Yan, 2004
Allohelea arboricola Clastrier & Delecolle, 1990
Allohelea basiflava Tokunaga, 1963
Allohelea bottimeri Wirth, 1991
Allohelea distortifemur Wirth, 1991
Allohelea fruticosa Yan & Yu, 1996
Allohelea guineensis Clastrier & Delecolle, 1990
Allohelea harpagonifera Debenham, 1972
Allohelea insularis Tokunaga, 1941
Allohelea jianfengensis Liu & Yu, 1996
Allohelea johannseni Wirth, 1953
Allohelea kindiae Clastrier & Delecolle, 1990
Allohelea limosa Clastrier & Delecolle, 1990
Allohelea minxia Yu & Yan, 2004
Allohelea multilineata Lutz, 1914
Allohelea nebulosa Coquillett
Allohelea neotropica Wirth, 1991
Allohelea paucimaculata Clastrier & Delecolle, 1990
Allohelea pedicellata Wirth, 1991
Allohelea qingdaoensis Ren & Yu, 1999
Allohelea solidipedalis Tokunaga, 1963
Allohelea tessellata (Zetterstedt, 1850)
Allohelea tricuspis Debenham, 1972
Allohelea weemsi Wirth, 1991
Allohelea yorkensis Debenham, 1972
Allometriocnemus coloensis Freeman, 1961
Allometriocnemus pictus Freeman, 1961
Allotrissocladius acutus Chaudhuri & Nandi, 1981
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