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Eriopyga rhimla Dyar, 1910
Lepidoptera, Noctuidae
Eriopyga rhodohoria Dyar, 1916
Eriopyga rhodotrichia Hampson, 1905
Eriopyga ropilla (Dognin, 1897)
Eriopyga rubicundula Schaus, 1911
Eriopyga rubifer Dyar, 1916
Eriopyga rubor (Guenée, 1852)
Eriopyga rubot Guenée, 1852
Eriopyga rubripuncta (Schaus, 1903)
Eriopyga rubrirena Hampson, 1913
Eriopyga rudis Walker
Eriopyga scalaris Draudt, 1924
Eriopyga secedens Schaus, 1903
Eriopyga simplex Dyar, 1916
Eriopyga spodiaca Dognin, 1914
Eriopyga stenia Dognin, 1907
Eriopyga stenonephra Draudt, 1924
Eriopyga stictipenna Dyar, 1914
Eriopyga strigifacta Dyar, 1910
Eriopyga strigiopis Dognin, 1908
Eriopyga stygia Dognin, 1908
Eriopyga sublecta Dyar, 1910
Eriopyga subolivacea Hampson, 1905
Eriopyga subsimilis Draudt, 1924
Eriopyga subtegula Dognin, 1914
Eriopyga suffusa Jones, 1915
Eriopyga sutrix Draudt, 1924
Eriopyga syntypica Hampson, 1918
Eriopyga taciturna Dognin, 1914
Eriopyga tama Schaus, 1933
Eriopyga tebota Dyar, 1916
Eriopyga tenebrosa Draudt, 1924
Eriopyga tepens Walker
Eriopyga tersa (Druce, 1898)
Eriopyga tertulia (Dognin, 1897)
Eriopyga thermistis Druce, 1905
Eriopyga thermosema Dognin, 1919
Eriopyga torrida Dognin, 1907
Eriopyga trinotata Draudt, 1924
Eriopyga umbracula Dognin, 1914
Eriopyga unicolora (Maassen, 1890)
Eriopyga usticolor Hampson, 1918
Eriopyga velutina Jones, 1912
Eriopyga venipicta Schaus, 1921
Eriopyga vinobarbata Hampson, 1905
Eriopyga violascens Schaus, 1903
Eriopyga viuda (Dognin, 1897)
Eriopyga volcania Schaus, 1911
Eriopyga xera Dyar, 1914
Fergusonix januaris Mustelin & Leuschner, 2000
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