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Calosopsyche domingensis Banks, 1941
Trichoptera, Hydropsychidae
Calosopsyche elachista Flint & Bueno-Soria, 1987
Calosopsyche sandrae Flint, 1967
Centromacronema apicale Walker, 1852
Centromacronema auripenne Rambur, 1842
Centromacronema dentatum Navas, 1924
Centromacronema excisum Ulmer, 1905
Centromacronema nigrifrons Banks, 1913
Centromacronema nigripenne Flint, 1981
Centromacronema oaxacensis Bueno-Soria, 2000
Centromacronema oculatum Walker, 1852
Centromacronema pygmaeum Botosaneanu in Botosaneanu & Alkins-Koo, 1993
Ceratopsyche abella Denning, 1952
Ceratopsyche aenigma Schefter, Wiggins, & Unzicker, 1986
Ceratopsyche albicephala Tanida, 1986
Ceratopsyche alhedra Ross, 1939
Ceratopsyche alternans Walker, 1852
Ceratopsyche amblis Ross, 1938
Ceratopsyche andersoni Denning, 1983
Ceratopsyche ardens McLachlan, 1875
Ceratopsyche bifurcata Mey, 1990
Ceratopsyche bronta Ross, 1938
Ceratopsyche brueckmanni Mey, 1995
Ceratopsyche calawiti Mey, 1995
Ceratopsyche carina Gui & Yang, 1999
Ceratopsyche centra Ross, 1938
Ceratopsyche cerva Li & Tian, 1990
Ceratopsyche cheilonis Ross, 1938
Ceratopsyche chekiangana Schmid, 1965
Ceratopsyche cockerelli Banks, 1905
Ceratopsyche columnata Martynov, 1931
Ceratopsyche compressa Li & Tian, 1990
Ceratopsyche conoidea Li & Tian, 1990
Ceratopsyche cora Denning, 1973
Ceratopsyche curvativa Li & Tian, 1990
Ceratopsyche declinans Mey, 1990
Ceratopsyche dorata Denning, 1983
Ceratopsyche etnieri Schuster & Talak, 1977
Ceratopsyche excavata Gui & Yang, 1999
Ceratopsyche excelsa Mey, 1990
Ceratopsyche faurai Navas, 1925
Ceratopsyche forcipata Ulmer, 1930
Ceratopsyche fukienensis Schmid, 1965
Ceratopsyche gautamittra Schmid, 1961
Ceratopsyche germanorum Mey, 1998
Ceratopsyche hainanensis Li & Tian, 1990
Ceratopsyche hirta Jacquemart & Statzner, 1981
Ceratopsyche intrica Denning, 1965
Ceratopsyche kagiana Kobayashi, 1987
Ceratopsyche kaznakovi Martynov, 1915
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