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Catoxyethira stolzei Wells & Andersen, 1996
Trichoptera, Hydroptilidae
Catoxyethira taiensis Gibon, 1985
Catoxyethira tonyeae Gibon, 1993
Catoxyethira vanandeli Guenda, 1997
Catoxyethira vedonga Olah, 1989
Catoxyethira veruta Morse, 1974
Catoxyethira wouafondayoae Gibon, 1993
Celaenotrichia edwardsi Mosely, 1934
Cerasmatrichia adunca Flint, 1991
Cerasmatrichia argylensis Flint, Harris & Botosaneanu, 1994
Cerasmatrichia dominicensis Flint, 1968
Cerasmatrichia spinosa Flint, Harris & Botosaneanu, 1994
Cerasmatrichia trinitatis Flint, Harris & Botosaneanu, 1994
Cerasmatrichia wirthi Flint, 1968
Ceratotrichia fairchildi Flint in Quintero & Aiello, 1992
Ceratotrichia flavicoma Flint in Quintero & Aiello, 1992
Chrysotrichia angkup Wells & Huisman, 1993
Chrysotrichia aranuwa Schmid, 1958
Chrysotrichia arapela Wells, 1990
Chrysotrichia australis Wells, 1990
Chrysotrichia badhami Schmid, 1960
Chrysotrichia berduri Wells, 1990
Chrysotrichia bintik Wells & Huisman, 1993
Chrysotrichia choliona Olah, 1989
Chrysotrichia coodei Wells & Huisman, 1993
Chrysotrichia dotalugola Schmid, 1958
Chrysotrichia duatali Wells & Malicky, 1997
Chrysotrichia elongata Wells & Malicky, 1997
Chrysotrichia gajah Wells & Huisman, 1993
Chrysotrichia ganjie Wells & Huisman, 1993
Chrysotrichia hapitigola Schmid, 1958
Chrysotrichia hatnagola Schmid, 1958
Chrysotrichia hermani Wells & Huisman, 1993
Chrysotrichia hutapadangensis Wells & Malicky, 1997
Chrysotrichia iomora Wells, 1990
Chrysotrichia likliklang Wells, 1990
Chrysotrichia limacabanga Wells, 1990
Chrysotrichia maratya Wells & Malicky, 1997
Chrysotrichia margemiring Wells & Malicky, 1997
Chrysotrichia matakail Wells & Huisman, 1993
Chrysotrichia menara Wells & Huisman, 1993
Chrysotrichia monga Olah, 1989
Chrysotrichia paruparu Wells & Huisman, 1993
Chrysotrichia piring Wells, 1993
Chrysotrichia pisau Wells & Huisman, 1993
Chrysotrichia poecilostola Mey, 1998
Chrysotrichia porsawan Chantaramongkol & Malicky, 1986
Chrysotrichia siriya Chantaramongkol & Malicky, 1986
Chrysotrichia sukamade Wells & Malicky, 1997
Chrysotrichia tabonensis Mey, 1998
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