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Amphineurus pita Theischinger, 1994
Diptera, Limoniidae
Amphineurus polycyclus Alexander, 1961
Amphineurus pressus Alexander, 1922
Amphineurus pulchripes Alexander, 1925
Amphineurus pullybuntor Theischinger, 1994
Amphineurus recurvans Alexander, 1922
Amphineurus rutristylus Alexander, 1968
Amphineurus sanus Alexander, 1929
Amphineurus senex Alexander, 1922
Amphineurus spectabilis Theischinger, 1996
Amphineurus spinulistylus Alexander, 1925
Amphineurus stewartiae Alexander, 1924
Amphineurus subdecorus Edwards, 1924
Amphineurus subfatuus Alexander, 1922
Amphineurus subglaber Edwards, 1923
Amphineurus submolophilinus Alexander, 1923
Amphineurus superbus Theischinger, 1996
Amphineurus tenuipollex Alexander, 1952
Amphineurus tortuosus Alexander, 1923
Amphineurus tumidus
Amphineurus umbraticus Skuse, 1890
Amphineurus zborowskii Theischinger, 1996
Angarotipula altivolans Alexander, 1935
Diptera, Tipulidae
Angarotipula frommeri Alexander, 1966
Angarotipula heilongjiangana Yang and Yang, 1995
Angarotipula illustris Doane, 1901
Angarotipula indica Edwards, 1926
Angarotipula laetipennis Alexander, 1935
Angarotipula parrioides Alexander, 1919
Angarotipula qinghaiensis Yang and Yang, 1996
Angarotipula rubzovi Savchenko, 1961
Angarotipula snodgrassiana Alexander, 1966
Angarotipula tokunagana Alexander, 1964
Angarotipula tumidicornis Lundstrom, 1907
Angarotipula xuthoptera Alexander, 1966
Antocha aciculifera Alexander, 1974
Antocha aegina Alexander, 1970
Antocha almorae Alexander, 1970
Antocha alpigena Mik, 1883
Antocha amblystyla Alexander, 1963
Antocha angusticellula Alexander, 1969
Antocha angustiterga Alexander, 1949
Antocha arjuna Alexander, 1969
Antocha attenuata Alexander, 1969
Antocha australiensis Alexander, 1922
Antocha basivena Alexander, 1936
Antocha biacus Savchenko, 1981
Antocha biarmata Alexander, 1940
Antocha bidens Alexander, 1932
Antocha bidigitata Alexander, 1954
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