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Species found: 1294
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Epicypta ornatipennis Okada, 1939
Diptera, Mycetophilidae
Epicypta palauensis Colless, 1966
Epicypta pallida Edwards, 1927
Epicypta paulistensis Lane, 1948
Epicypta pectenipes Senior-White, 1922
Epicypta peruana Lane, 1962
Epicypta pilosistyla Matile, 1979
Epicypta planiventris Enderlein, 1910
Epicypta pluripunctata Lane, 1948
Epicypta propinqua Matile, 1973
Epicypta proxima Matile, 1973
Epicypta punctulata Lane, 1947
Epicypta punctum Stannius, 1831
Epicypta pusilla Wu, He & Yang, 1998
Epicypta rabelloi Lane, 1948
Epicypta rufa Lane, 1948
Epicypta rufescena Wu & Yang, 1993
Epicypta sartrix Meijere, 1924
Epicypta scatophora Perris, 1849
Epicypta schildi Lane, 1956
Epicypta scutellaris Edwards, 1928
Epicypta scutellata Matile, 1973
Epicypta seditiosa Matile, 1979
Epicypta setosa Zaitzev, 1991
Epicypta setosiventris Senior-White, 1922
Epicypta seychellensis Enderlein, 1910
Epicypta silviabunda Wu, 1995
Epicypta simplex Wu, 1995
Epicypta sinica Wu & Yang, 1993
Epicypta sinuata Wu & Yang, 1993
Epicypta sinuosa Wu, 1995
Epicypta siusisi Lane, 1954
Epicypta spatiosa Wu, 2003
Epicypta sumatrensis Edwards, 1931
Epicypta surdipleura Matile, 1979
Epicypta tacanhapesi Lane, 1960
Epicypta tenuis Matile, 1979
Epicypta testata Edwards, 1925
Epicypta torquata Matile, 1977
Epicypta travassosi Lane, 1948
Epicypta trinidadensis Lane, 1960
Epicypta tristis Lane, 1948
Epicypta truncata Wu, He & Yang, 1998
Epicypta vicina Matile, 1973
Epicypta williamsi Lane, 1960
Epicypta xiphothorna Wu, He & Yang, 1998
Epicypta yangi Wu, 1995
Macrobrachius kowarzii Dziedzicki, 1889
Macrobrachius producta Johannsen, 1912
Mycetophila abbreviata Landrock, 1914
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