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Apotropina meijerei Sabrosky, 1952
Diptera, Chloropidae
Apotropina nagatomii Yang, Yang & Kanmiya, 1993
Apotropina nigricornis Duda, 1930
Apotropina nigripila Duda, 1934
Apotropina nudiseta Becker, 1911
Apotropina ornatipennis Malloch, 1923
Apotropina palliata Curran, 1926
Apotropina pallipes Malloch, 1940
Apotropina panamensis Malloch, 1934
Apotropina parva Malloch, 1928
Apotropina proxima Rayment, 1959
Apotropina pruinosa Thomson, 1869
Apotropina pulchrifrons Meijere, 1906
Apotropina purpurascens Malloch, 1930
Apotropina quadriseta Harrison, 1959
Apotropina raymenti Curran, 1930
Apotropina rufescens Duda, 1934
Apotropina rufithorax Duda, 1930
Apotropina senilis Duda, 1930
Apotropina shewelliana Spencer, 1977
Apotropina sigalopleura Sabrosky, 1982
Apotropina sinensis Yang, Yang & Kanmiya, 1993
Apotropina speculariforns Enderlein, 1911
Apotropina stuckenbergi Sabrosky, 1982
Apotropina sulae Spencer, 1977
Apotropina taylori Malloch, 1940
Apotropina tomentosa Cherian, 2002
Apotropina tonnoiri Sabrosky, 1955
Apotropina tsitsikama Sabrosky, 1982
Apotropina uniformis Yang, Yang & Kanmiya, 1993
Apotropina viduata Schiner, 1868
Apotropina virilis Bohart & Gressitt, 1951
Apotropina wisei Harrison, 1959
Aprometopis australis Ismay, 1993
Aprometopis flavofacies Becker, 1910
Aprometopis hirashimai Kanmiya, 1983
Aprometopis minima Lamb, 1918
Aprometopis silvestrii Seguy, 1932
Aprometopis spectabilis Kanmiya, 1983
Aragara crassipes Walker, 1860
Aragara femorata Cherian, 1985
Aragara imitator Becker, 1911
Aragara magnicornis Wulp, 1881
Aragara minor Ismay, 1990
Aragara mizoramensis Cherian, 1985
Aragara trilineata Cherian, 1985
Archimeromyza humeralis Deeming, 1981
Arcuator aburensis Sabrosky, 1985
Arcuator deemingi Sabrosky, 1985
Arcuator dewittei Sabrosky, 1985
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