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Augochloropsis apsidialis Vachal, 1903
Hymenoptera, Halictidae
Augochloropsis argentina Friese, 1908
Augochloropsis aspricordis Vachal, 1904
Augochloropsis atripyga Strand, 1910
Augochloropsis atropilosa Friese, 1925
Augochloropsis atropos Smith, 1879
Augochloropsis atropurpurea Moure, 1940
Augochloropsis aureocuprea Friese, 1910
Augochloropsis auriferina Michener, 1954
Augochloropsis aurifluens Vachal, 1903
Augochloropsis aurinota Strand, 1910
Augochloropsis auriventris Friese, 1921
Augochloropsis bari Dominique, 1898
Augochloropsis barticana Cockerell, 1923
Augochloropsis batesi Cockerell, 1900
Augochloropsis berenice Smith, 1879
Augochloropsis bertonii Schrottky, 1909
Augochloropsis brachycephala Moure, 1943
Augochloropsis brethesi Vachal, 1903
Augochloropsis bruchi Schrottky, 1908
Augochloropsis caerulans Vachal, 1903
Augochloropsis callichlorura Cockerell, 1918
Augochloropsis callichroa Cockerell, 1900
Augochloropsis calypso Smith, 1879
Augochloropsis catamarcensis Schrottky, 1909
Augochloropsis cataractae Cockerell, 1930
Augochloropsis celaeno Schrottky, 1906
Augochloropsis charapina Cockerell, 1913
Augochloropsis chloera Moure, 1940
Augochloropsis cholas Vachal, 1903
Augochloropsis cirrhopus Vachal, 1903
Augochloropsis cleopatra Schrottky, 1902
Augochloropsis cockerelli Schrottky, 1909
Augochloropsis cognata Moure, 1944
Augochloropsis crassiceps Moure, 1947
Augochloropsis crassigena Moure, 1943
Augochloropsis cupreola Cockerell, 1900
Augochloropsis cupreotincta Cockerell, 1900
Augochloropsis cyanea Schrottky, 1901
Augochloropsis cyaneitarsis Strand, 1910
Augochloropsis cyanescens Friese, 1917
Augochloropsis cyclis Vachal, 1903
Augochloropsis cytherea Smith, 1853
Augochloropsis danielis Strand, 1910
Augochloropsis deianira Schrottky, 1910
Augochloropsis dirhipis Vachal, 1903
Augochloropsis discors Vachal, 1903
Augochloropsis diversipennis Lepeletier, 1841
Augochloropsis drepanis Vachal, 1903
Augochloropsis electra Smith, 1853
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