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Bembidion bipunctatum (Linne, 1761)
Coleoptera, Carabidae
Bembidion bisulcatum (Chaudoir, 1844)
Bembidion blackburni Sharp, 1903
Bembidion blandulum Netolitzky, 1910
Bembidion bowditchi Leconte, 1878
Bembidion bowditchii LeConte, 1878
Bembidion brachythorax Lindroth, 1963
Bembidion breve Motschulsky, 1845
Bembidion brevistriatum Hayward, 1897
Bembidion brumale Casey
Bembidion brunoi Bonavita, 2001
Bembidion bruxellense Wesmael, 1835
Bembidion bugnioni (K. Daniel, 1902)
Bembidion californicum Hayward, 1897
Bembidion caligatus (Jeanne & Muller-Motzfeld, 1982)
Bembidion caliginosum Casey
Bembidion callens Casey, 1918
Bembidion callidum Casey
Bembidion callosus (Kuster, 1847)
Bembidion canadianum Casey, 1924
Bembidion cantalicus (Fauvel, 1882)
Bembidion caricus (J.R. Sahlberg, 1908)
Bembidion carinatum LeConte, 1852
Bembidion carinula Chaudoir, 1868
Bembidion carolinense Casey, 1924
Bembidion cassolai Bonavita & Vigna Taglianti, 1993
Bembidion casta Casey, 1918
Bembidion castilicus (Netolitzky, 1918)
Bembidion castor Lindroth, 1963
Bembidion catharinae (Netolitzky, 1942)
Bembidion caucasicus (Motschulsky, 1844)
Bembidion cernens Casey
Bembidion chalceum Dejean, 1831
Bembidion cheyennense Casey, 1918
Bembidion chintimini Erwin and Kavanaugh, 1981
Bembidion circassicum (Reitter, 1890)
Bembidion civile Casey
Bembidion clarkii (Dawson, 1849)
Bembidion clemens Casey, 1918
Bembidion coecum Sharp, 1903
Bembidion coecus Sharp, 1903
Bembidion coeruleus (Audinet-Serville, 1821)
Bembidion coloradense Hayward, 1897
Bembidion colvillense Lindroth
Bembidion combustus (Ménétriés, 1832)
Bembidion commotum Casey, 1918
Bembidion complanatus (Heer, 1837)
Bembidion complanulum Mannerheim, 1853
Bembidion compressum Lindroth, 1963
Bembidion concoeruleus (Netolitzky, 1943)
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