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Chrysoritis perseus (Henning, 1977)
Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae
Chrysoritis phosphor (Trimen, 1866)
Chrysoritis plutus (Pennington, 1967)
Chrysoritis pyramus (Pennington, 1953)
Chrysoritis pyroeis (Trimen, 1864)
Chrysoritis rileyi (Dickson, 1966)
Chrysoritis swanepoeli (Dickson, 1965)
Chrysoritis thysbe (Linnaeus, 1764)
Chrysoritis trimeni Riley, 1938
Chrysoritis turneri (Riley, 1938)
Chrysoritis uranus (Pennington, 1962)
Chrysoritis violescens (Dickson, 1971)
Chrysoritis zeuxo (Linnaeus, 1764)
Chrysoritis zonarius (Riley, 1938)
Cigaritis abnormis Moore, [1884]
Cigaritis allardi Oberthur, 1909
Cigaritis amine Butler, 1874
Cigaritis apelles (Oberthür, 1878)
Cigaritis apuleia (Hulstaert, 1924)
Cigaritis arooni (Murayama & Kimura, 1990)
Cigaritis avriko (Karsch, 1893)
Cigaritis baghirmii (Stempffer, 1946)
Cigaritis bergeri (Bouyer, 2003)
Cigaritis brunnea (Jackson, 1965)
Cigaritis buchanani (Rothschild, 1921)
Cigaritis cilissa Lederer, 1861
Cigaritis collinsi (Kielland, 1980)
Cigaritis crustaria (Holland, 1890)
Cigaritis cynica (Riley, 1921)
Cigaritis delagoensis Sharpe, 1891
Cigaritis dufranei (Bouyer, 1991)
Cigaritis elima (Moore, 1877)
Cigaritis ella (Hewitson, 1865)
Cigaritis elwesi Evans, [1925]
Cigaritis epargyros (Eversmann, 1854)
Cigaritis evansii (Tytler, 1915)
Cigaritis gillettii (Riley, 1925)
Cigaritis greeni (Heron, 1896)
Cigaritis hassoni (Bouyer, 2003)
Cigaritis homeyeri (Dewitz, 1886)
Cigaritis ictis (Hewitson, 1865)
Cigaritis iza (Hewitson, 1865)
Cigaritis kutu (Corbet, 1940)
Cigaritis kuyaniana Matsumura
Cigaritis learmondi (Tytler, 1940)
Cigaritis leechi Swinhoe, 1912
Cigaritis lilacinus (Moore, 1884)
Cigaritis lohita (Horsfield, [1829])
Cigaritis lunulifera (Moore, 1879)
Cigaritis lutosa Plötz, 1880
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