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Insects species catalog

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Species found: 194

Pages: 1 2 3 4

Dixa abiettica Yang & Yang, 1995

Diptera, Dixidae

Dixa adleri Peters, 1986

Diptera, Dixidae

Dixa aliciae Johnannsen, 1924

Diptera, Dixidae

Dixa amabilis Alexander, 1959

Diptera, Dixidae

Dixa arge Dyar and Shannon, 1924

Diptera, Dixidae

Dixa babai Takahashi, 1958

Diptera, Dixidae

Dixa barraudi Freeman, 1948

Diptera, Dixidae

Dixa bifasciata Brunetti, 1911

Diptera, Dixidae

Dixa binotata Edwards, 1919

Diptera, Dixidae

Dixa bistriata Brunetti, 1911

Diptera, Dixidae

Dixa blax Dyar and Shannon, 1924

Diptera, Dixidae

Dixa borealis Martini, 1929

Diptera, Dixidae

Dixa brachycaula Yang & Yang, 1995

Diptera, Dixidae

Dixa brevis Garrett, 1924

Diptera, Dixidae

Dixa byersi Peters, 1993

Diptera, Dixidae

Dixa californica Johannsen, 1923

Diptera, Dixidae

Dixa cincta Curtis, 1832

Diptera, Dixidae

Dixa corensis Peters, 1992

Diptera, Dixidae

Dixa cornuta Johannsen, 1923

Diptera, Dixidae

Dixa dilatata Strobl, 1900

Diptera, Dixidae

Dixa distincta Garrett, 1925

Diptera, Dixidae

Dixa dorsalis Garrett, 1924

Diptera, Dixidae

Dixa dyari Garrett, 1924

Diptera, Dixidae

Dixa fluvica Peters and Cook, 1966

Diptera, Dixidae

Dixa fraterna Garrett, 1924

Diptera, Dixidae

Dixa frizzi (Contini, 1965)

Diptera, Dixidae

Dixa frizzii Contini, 1965

Diptera, Dixidae

Dixa fusca Loew, 1863

Diptera, Dixidae

Dixa gutianshana Yang & Yang, 1995

Diptera, Dixidae

Dixa hegemonica Dyar and Shannon, 1924

Diptera, Dixidae

Dixa hikosana Takahashi, 1958

Diptera, Dixidae

Dixa hova Alexander, 1957

Diptera, Dixidae

Dixa inextricata Dyar and Shannon, 1924

Diptera, Dixidae

Dixa kaplani Wagner, Freidberg & Ortal, 1992

Diptera, Dixidae

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Moderators: Vasiliy Feoktistov, Evgeny Komarov, Dmitriy Pozhogin, Alexandr Zhakov.

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