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Photo #11784: Lepidoptera sp.



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Base gallery. Upperside. Alive insect.

Photo: Yuri Semejkin. Image redone at the website. Identified by: Robot

Date and time, location shooting/catching: 2011-08-21 00:00:00, Vladivostok, the Academic town

Comments on this image

05.01.2013 23:41, Peter Khramov

Dmitry, Yury's having some internet troubles at the moment, he promised to answer once it would get well...

17.12.2012 14:01, Dmitriy Pozhogin


17.12.2012 11:19, Peter Khramov

Dmitry, which Yury did you really address, Semejkin (the author of the photo) or Karpov (the author of the comments on Neptis)? :--)

17.12.2012 7:38, Yuri Semejkin

Dmitry! I'm not biologist, just amateur photographer, I shoot whatever alive. I'm either curious about what is there beside the camera, though can't ID everything I see. As for guides, I use Kurentsov's one and also get some info in the web. When possible, I ask pros if they're not in fields or busy with reports, and every thing identified by them is always provided with reference and job position.

07.12.2012 9:15, Dmitriy Pozhogin

Yury! Would you please tell what are your Neptis sources (or references)? So you reckon that ilos isn't an orange Neptis, or this is absent in Russian Far East? Let's address Bozano. He says that Neptis tshetverikovi looks similar to Neptis thisbe. Clear distinctions are genitalia. Neptis tshetverikovi's ochre-colored marginal parts are reduced. Neptis tshetverikovi is smaller than Neptis thisbe. Many authors refer distinctive features that are easily found in various populations of both species.
Neptis themis and Neptis ilos differ from each other in venation and genitalia. The main distinction is that Neptis ilos's hind wing has a large white area.
Neptis themis, Neptis ilos and Neptis tshetverikovi, Neptis thisbe clearly differ in undersides (what in this case of no help).
I just tried to clear things out, don't declare myself pro in Neptis. Ready to discuss.

06.12.2012 19:40, Peter Khramov

Still asking.

09.10.2012 15:15, Peter Khramov

Can't see Neptis tshetverikovi in Sinev's catalogue. Are there any synonyms (neither found any)?

08.10.2012 19:11, Yuriy Karpov

There are 3 orange Neptis species in the Far East that are thisbe, tshetverikovi and themis. N. themis has spots on the forewing, which don't spread over the back edge, whilst N. thisbe has a band on the hind wing that clearly widens at its inner edge.

16.07.2012 14:53, Peter Khramov

Guys, thing should get cleared up. Please, claim anything...

21.03.2012 16:41, Yuriy Karpov

Neptis tshetverikovi.

28.01.2012 16:00, Dmitriy Pozhogin

Possibly, Aldania ilos.

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