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Photo #13318: Tyria jacobaeae


Tyria jacobaeae

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Base gallery. Upperside. Pinned specimen.

Photo, and identified by: Vasiliy Feoktistov. Image redone at the website

Date and time, location shooting/catching: 2012-05-30 00:00:00, Russia, Moscow reg., Orekhovo-Zuevsky distr., near Nerskaya railway station. leg. Feoktistov V.I.

Photographer's comment: Probably, the first specimen from Moscow region shown here as well as, supposedly, first of the species found on the mentioned site .

Comments on this image

17.02.2014 13:41, Svetlana Shchavelina

As for the pictures ... I understand that in this case they are first placed on the service side to save photos (eg www.photobucket.com) or any other resource, and then the address of this photo is filled by pressing the "picture from another site" .

From my personal experience.As moderator of a very large resource with experience of 8 years and the owner of its own website, which is already 5 years, I would say that everything that has been placed on third-party resources, the owners of these resources have the right and remove. Especially it does not shrink from radical and the like ... In 2-3 years after the download (and sometimes a year) pictures uploaded there, begin to disappear ...Therefore, on its website all the pictures I have pumped into the body of a website if it does not make the users. Yes, it increases the amount of memory required on the server, but makes life easier later.As a summary: Necessary buttons "Picture from a computer" and limit the weight of the loaded image (for example, 100 KB), to avoid overloading the server much, because there are always enthusiasts to upload photos to 5 MB.

17.02.2014 13:16, Vasiliy Feoktistov

Sergey, I will explain tomorrow if nobody overtake. For now, just work and write with your phone. Yes, and is not available in connection with the work.

17.02.2014 13:11, Sergei Kotov

Basil, but as you attach images to Comments? Explain, please. Sam does not understand.

16.02.2014 14:23, Vasiliy Feoktistov

So as to attach a photo where the habitat was caught a butterfly, made in the same day. This forest road passing near the seed orchards, located near the station "Nerskaya River" LMC.This plantation in the narrow circles of Moscow entomologists called "Mirmidonyatnik" or "Mirmidonopitomnik" thanks
abundance in those parts zheltushkiColias myrmidone(her own and then went there)

16.02.2014 14:07, Vasiliy Feoktistov

Well, that's in the expanded form it is in the group. Only hands reached :) By the way: since Jacob had not seen even once, although there seems like it should be where the run hither.

21.06.2012 16:41, Tatyana Gordeeva This species is identified correctly.

20.06.2012 12:44, Peter Khramov

Vasily, there was no any reproach ;--)

20.06.2012 5:55, Vasiliy Feoktistov

Petr, I hurried to show this one just caught not to miss it, so no more photos but this "pinned". I uploaded the very unspread specimen because the color contrast seen better.

20.06.2012 0:09, Peter Khramov

As straight as a die...

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