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Photo #23062: Lepidoptera sp.



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Base gallery. Upperside. Alive insect.

Photo: Yuri Semejkin. Image without retouching at the website. Identified by: Robot

Date and time, location shooting/catching: 2013-07-31 00:00:00, Владивосток, Академгородок

Photographer's comment: Paratalanta sp. В этом роде 3 вида и они определяются только по гениталиям. Определила Кирпичникова В.А. Горнотаёжная станция ДВО РАН.

Comments on this image

29.03.2014 14:01, Yuri Semejkin

Gates in general, yes.

29.03.2014 13:39, Peter Khramov

Jury if there infa that three species in the genus are determined only by the genitalia, but they have the same appearance, so we can safely for all three types of floor and drive a business, that's all.

29.03.2014 2:38, Yuri Semejkin

Peter! Under item 2. To drive the Old section add data about form-is necessary to have this kind of olredelenie.
Alexander ! 1. Photography is my one of a kind .; 2. If Kirpichnikova (and apparently, etc.) Are right, then to the photo type it is necessary to attach a snapshot of the genitalia, or at least indicate that cooking was.Then add the section data can be, can be somewhere to add something for infe. In this shot, -It offer to cook and to define precisely, but did not work, the material was gone. You can certainly try this year to ask, to cook, but if there are many that do not depend on me.I myself have never engaged in cooking and as I said, it's not so easy.

28.03.2014 18:18, Alexandr Zhakov

On the third, only one kind and the other kind. A kind of ussurialis (Bremer, 1864), and the kind and volume. it is necessary to clean up the race and all this to bear :)

28.03.2014 18:07, Peter Khramov

1. foty butterflies which can be determined only up to genus or higher will be able to attach to these, supra, taxa. Now it is driven around in a section of the collection as a run-in - will do for still images is similar.
2. Types that are apparently one in one or similar appearances - a good sign, it is necessary to use it.To do this, first to drive the Old Section of adding data on the form, appearance and subsection Unlike similar, and then on the basis of such information can be gradually repaired formal indication of similarity / identity, where you can show foty / views.
3. missing species: Is not it: http://lepidoptera.ru/taxonomy/21423?

28.03.2014 17:58, Alexandr Zhakov

Yuri, see what you have written, and this is a reason, such as to connect these types, which do not differ in appearance. And if there is a photo, it must be visible from all three species. Peter, it's technically possible to do?

28.03.2014 17:53, Alexandr Zhakov

Seriously, from 5 species of this genus that are for LW from three just such a painting, alas. But what is interesting at the blue of Russia for their 6 and on the website are only 4, Peter, where another 2? jessica (Butler, 1878) and taiwanensis Yamanaka, 1972

28.03.2014 17:50, Yuri Semejkin

Yes anywhere Basil. I repeatedly offered to Peter to create a separate column for just such cases where no cooking is today considered impossible to determine the type. Data on biology to determine the same yet.
Option to inaccurate. If there is a desire to please. Three choices, you can either write ....

28.03.2014 17:36, Alexandr Zhakov

The doctor said the morgue, then to the morgue. :)
If the author of a monograph on the moth DV, speaks only of the genitals, then on a photo or like. remain sp. For these types of option definition only if a copy of the photo attached, and the quality thereof is not important, but this is only for advanced toward entomology photographers. :)

28.03.2014 16:12, Vasiliy Feoktistov

And how do get them out? Genitals something ..... Can purely habit in inaccurate where? :)

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