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Photo #28089: Brahmaea tancrei


Brahmaea tancrei

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Base gallery. Upperside. Pinned specimen.

Photo, and identified by: Igor Ivannikov. Image without retouching at the website

Date and time, location shooting/catching: 1965-07-05 00:00:00, Primorsky Krai.

Comments on this image

23.03.2014 13:18, Alexandr Zhakov

Igor usually indicate the author of determination on the site of the first to point out the correct name in any form as: Can this kind of Aaaaaaa AAAA, this butterfly reminds me Ppppp pppp. If a person comes and says this is exactly Aaaaaaa AAAA, it is still the author of the first definition.You have specified the old name for this species, now called differently, but that has not changed is correct, everyone understands what was certhia auct. Now tancrei. It would be correct to indicate two determined, but this site is not possible.

23.03.2014 11:46, Igor Ivannikov

I believe that the author should definitely be Irina.

23.03.2014 11:18, Irina Nikulina

Of course, not against - and in this case, and in the future) main thing - that was the right definition. Moreover, in those years, when the butterfly was caught, these two species were considered synonymous (but they have different tracks))

23.03.2014 1:54, Alexandr Zhakov

Ira, thank you for the clarification, I think you do not mind, if the definition of authorship Igor leave for?

23.03.2014 1:52, Alexandr Zhakov Corrected data.

Brahmaea certhia Brahmaea tancrei.

22.03.2014 23:14, Irina Nikulina

Igor when exactly Primorye, theBrahmaea tancreiin a directory. Ed Sinev only this kind of Primorye Set (with commentary to it - an erroneous determination: certhia auct.)

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