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Photo #29439: Melitaea britomartis


Melitaea britomartis

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Base gallery. Lateral/Underside. Alive insect.

Photo, and identified by: Andrei Komrakov. Image without retouching at the website

Date and time, location shooting/catching: 2014-05-24 11:00:00, Moscow region, Lotoshinsky district, okr. der. Savostino.

Comments on this image

28.05.2014 18:45, Vasiliy Feoktistov Corrected data.

Not identified / Imago Melitaea britomartis / Confidently identified / Female / Andrei Komrakov.

28.05.2014 18:44, Vasiliy Feoktistov

I stand to Britomartis since Andrew convinced laying male with everything owed :)

25.05.2014 2:04, Eugene Karolinskiy

About Britomartis I have my doubts whatever the place of capture. It should be a male and a cook. And in the order of delirium: can, this is such an early aberrant diamine? :)

24.05.2014 18:50, Vasiliy Feoktistov

Metallica there is not presented: Alexander do not have time to update. We are friends and we catch together :) Because I know. Will Metallica's for sure. And two of my beetle that is in the theme "With the new season of" lined. And much more :) Tomorrow I more closely related to your checkered. Now just a phone I can not check :) If I did not overtake anyone :)

24.05.2014 18:34, Andrei Komrakov

The fact that North MO is different from the south - I will not argue. Somehow you with distrust to the correlation of the type and the place where it was caught. I want to note that: 1) contribute to climate change is quite a change in the area, 2) any entomological site requires constant changes and amendments. That is not to go: on insectamo.ru no marked for MO such notable appearance as Protaetia metallica (Herbst, 1782) that we (Lot. district) massively represented.

24.05.2014 16:31, Vasiliy Feoktistov

I used to go to Lotoshinsky not .... and in the nearby Volokolamsk too. Well, nothing to do at the North-West to the South MO :)

24.05.2014 15:40, Andrei Komrakov

I do it for the first time we catch. And then in the area of ​​forest Lotoshinsky not solid. And food plants: rattle and Plantago lanceolata - in stock, a specific type of Veronica teucrium, but there are other 4 kinds of Veronica.

24.05.2014 15:28, Vasiliy Feoktistov

There she is from Silver-Prudskoy area and is the extreme south of the Defense Ministry and already there is a steppe is: are there other habitats and generally substantially different from all Lotoshinskogo district .....

24.05.2014 15:08, Andrei Komrakov

On insectamo.ru it is, but the photo just larvae and pupae - no photos of adults. There is evidence that this - female M.britomartis (Alexei Belik, Saratov)

24.05.2014 14:17, Vasiliy Feoktistov

Britomartis like as not, MO :)
Andrew, look, please do it on insectamo.ru. Maybe you find. Unfortunately I myself can not do that right now.

24.05.2014 14:00, Andrei Komrakov

Melitaea britomartis (Assmann 1847)?

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