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Photo #31506: Lepidoptera sp.



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Base gallery. Alive insect.

Photo: Yuri Semejkin. Image without retouching at the website. Identified by: Robot

Date and time, location shooting/catching: 2013-07-10 00:00:00, Владивосток, Ботанический сад-институт ДВО РАН

Comments on this image

16.07.2014 14:57, Yuri Semejkin


16.07.2014 14:28, Alexandr Zhakov

Yuri is not understood correctly. :) I take into the account that many uncertain tortrices with DV and cite as an example. the difficulty for me the definition. I wanted to re-define exposed and failed :( defined the previous one. And it is necessary to put a photo of that quality.as an example for what kind of Archips, if flies, it usually massively, and it is necessary to photograph and males and females, and more, if they are different. A photo will anyone interested in the Far East and its knowledgeable and unspecified types will fall to the catalog. Take photos Yuri and more, with DV only a few people are photos. All in good time, they have not lost here :))

16.07.2014 14:11, Yuri Semejkin

P.s. Anyway undefined types

16.07.2014 14:09, Yuri Semejkin

Alexander! If I understand correctly, there is no reason to place on the site certainly does not determine the types? Then I probably did not correctly identify one of the tasks of this site, namely showing the diversity related to Lepidoptera. And no matter what, something at this moment is not detectably or even described, not refined and so on.It will take time and interest in them appears.
With DV tortricidae really a problem. If memory serves, they have more than 700 species. As I said, that they need to study the brigade specialists and involved them in now and then, so far as one man.So, Alexander, if you feel relief listovёrtok a waste of time, it's good, I will not be greater than their fold.

16.07.2014 13:36, Alexandr Zhakov

Yuri, do not take this as a reproach, just as an example to explain the situation D butterflies and their definitions. :)
It seems a simple case, in Europe, I have not looked at the exact same sites would write Archips podana, had one such female. I looked at JW this species, but there are 10 that I do not know.Begin to check for two types is not at all a photo, even two no photos of females (on your photo male can not see), as a result of all that looked most appropriate Archips ingentanus, but even inaccurate is impossible to put as 4 types do not saw.+ Complexity of different endings in species names, search engines have to drive two names + have something similar but in the Far East were observed. so be it uncertain if the steep Far East expert determines the method of exclusion :( Alas, time spent without result.

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