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Photo #3411: Eumedonia eumedon


Eumedonia eumedon

Base gallery. Lateral/Underside. Alive insect.

Photo, and identified by: Natalia Demchenko. Image redone at the website

Date and time, location shooting/catching: 2009-06-00 00:00:00, Moscow region

Comments on this image

12.07.2009 22:22, Peter Khramov

Aricia eumedon is changed in the website database to Eumedonia eumedon. So, image goes from "uncertain" to Eumedonia eumedon.

05.07.2009 22:17, Vasiliy Feoktistov This species is identified correctly.

Eumedonia eumedon, Esper 1780 (http://mr-1.ru/PHOTO/BUTTERFLYS/eumedonia_eumedon.htm).

05.07.2009 17:20, Boris Stradomsky

Eumedonia eumedon (Esper, 1780)

(= Chiron (Rottemburg, 1780)).
Description. Length of front wing 11-17 mm. In both sexes, the wings are dark brown, the female sometimes with weak orange marginal wells. Bottom wings gray-brown. On the underside of the hind wing veins along the M2 has a narrow white bar (absent in f.fylgia Spangenberg, 1876), between the fourth and fifth spots postdiskalnogo number of white space is missing.
The length of the valve is 2.0-2.2 mm.
Biology. Moist mixed grass meadows. In the mountains up to 3000 m. Years of adults: May-August (depending on locality). Forage plants caterpillars: Geranium spp. Hibernate or caterpillar eggs. Contact with ants Lasius spp, Tapinoma spp.
Subspecies.In the north of the European part of Russia: E. eumedon borealis (Wahlgren, 1930); in the center of European Russia: E. eumedon eumedon (Esper, 1780); Caucasus: E. eumedon modesta (Nekrutenko, 1972).
Related and similar species. P. ripartii: differences in Figure underside of the wings, a different structure of the genitals; A. artaxerxes, A. teberdina: different structure of the valves; species of the genus Polyommatus: upper wings of males of different shades of blue.

03.07.2009 10:11, Natalia Demchenko

May be Polyommatus eumedon? Seems to have white stripe...

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