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Photo #34766: Lepidoptera sp.



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Base gallery. Lateral/Underside. Alive insect.

Photo: Yuri Semejkin. Image without retouching at the website. Identified by: Robot

Date and time, location shooting/catching: 2014-11-02 00:00:00, Владивосток "Дом бабочек"

Comments on this image

03.11.2014 16:34, Yuri Semejkin

It is possible and show photos. I use sometimes dried samples. but again, only for shooting. Straightened until it turns bad, so sometimes give entomologists, such as this one http://lepidoptera.ru/gallery/31477 They also need to update the samples.

03.11.2014 16:25, Alex Dumchus

It's a pity! Your edge of so many interesting things.

03.11.2014 16:22, Yuri Semejkin

No, Alexander, collecting I do not do, just pictures.

03.11.2014 16:15, Alex Dumchus

Yuri. I do not blame them. I myself was a kettle for some time. Look at my office a couple of years ago. For me, your butterfly Far East, especially Saturn and revelers -Large exotic. You, by the way do not collect? If da send me an email. I have many such dobra- in the sense of the tropics.

03.11.2014 16:11, Yuri Semejkin

I looked underside helenor /lepidoptera.ru/gallery/34776. We have a completely different butterflies!

03.11.2014 16:01, Yuri Semejkin

Alexander! I see these tropical 2nd time in my life, you are too much is not osuzhdayte.Tem least assert the existence of the third option, I do not presume. I took your infu noted.

03.11.2014 15:52, Alex Dumchus

Yuri. Look at the top and underside of said I caligo and morphine - even helenor and Achilles. I am still in good health and able to distinguish morphs from Kaliga, the more catch and the other in nature. If, as you claim, it is the top and underside of one individual, it is something new in science. Grab this butterfly and expose on E-Bay - you become a millionaire.In any case, now on display for you photos of one of the subspecies M.helenor. But in general, let's wait for confirmation Dmitry.

03.11.2014 14:41, Yuri Semejkin

Alexander! In the house at the time of shooting flying two differences depicted in this picture. Here http://lepidoptera.ru/gallery/34769, definitely the top of the individual that right. I tried to remove the top and underside of each individual, but has not yet happened, basically sit with folded wings, sometimes only for a few seconds, straightening them.It seems necessary to remove it in the future, if the reset, only the top with underside.

03.11.2014 12:25, Alex Dumchus

And whether you have a horse? The underside Caligo quite similar. Look underside brasiliensis, eurilochus, oileus ...

03.11.2014 9:59, Yuri Semejkin

This one, like the same http://lepidoptera.ru/gallery/33345 right here, that is, Caligo memnon

03.11.2014 8:29, Alex Dumchus

On the left is likely C.atreus, at Memnon is not so bright light strip on the rear fenders. The right is more like C.brasiliensis, but need a top.

03.11.2014 5:14, Yuri Semejkin

Caligo memnon ?

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