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Photo #38943: Lepidoptera sp.



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Photo: Yuri Semejkin. Image without retouching at the website. Identified by: Robot

Date and time, location shooting/catching: 2014-06-08 00:00:00, Владивосток, Ботанический сад-институт ДВО РАН

Comments on this image

10.02.2015 1:29, Yuri Semejkin

All the "cigar" is not snimesh. Yes, sometimes I rented, but only if I see inside the caterpillar and its going to take ..

10.02.2015 1:20, Vasiliy Feoktistov

Attelabidae many species in Russia, as well as listovёrtok and each its own special kind of "roll-ups" At least :) photo "cigars" were. Maybe it for spices, and would say anything ......

10.02.2015 1:01, Yuri Semejkin

I do not know, Vasily. Laying spiders found, but they are all in a sturdy white cocoon. But the bugs do not ever, but with the same sign and cocoons attelabidae seen and even shot, for example Byctiscus princeps (defined Lobanov).
But attelabidae a few others. "Tube". Yes, and a lot of layers there ponamotano. In listovёrtok less.

09.02.2015 17:04, Vasiliy Feoktistov

There may be Zhuchin eggs easily. REPRESENTATIVES family attelabidae (Attelabidae) in particular so come here and Russian family name speaks for itself :)
Before you upload should at least bring to the tracks, and even better to adult .....

09.02.2015 16:38, Yuri Semejkin

Alexander, but sometimes spread like here and something determined. Well, I agree that there is no place for them. Against removal I do not mind.
As for the butterfly, not sure of her egg-laying, but not of leaf beetles. Taken with a lime tree, it has been collapsed into a roll, like some listovёrtok and ognёvkah.
After shooting wrapped back.

09.02.2015 16:16, Alexandr Zhakov

Yuri, are you sure that this is the butterfly eggs? Photos, which can not be defined, what of the spread?

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