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Photo #40310: Lepidoptera sp.



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Photo: Yuri Semejkin. Image without retouching at the website. Identified by: Robot

Date and time, location shooting/catching: 2015-05-31 00:00:00, Vladivostok, Akademgorodok

Comments on this image

16.06.2015 8:46, Yuri Semejkin

It is! Caterpillar before pupation stops there, and then move. If you have land, some buried in the ground (of course not all). I, too, it happens. You look at a caterpillar-then you died, or not. Just do not throw, hold for a while, looking at times and then pupate and the butterfly came out.
But in my case it did not.

16.06.2015 0:15, Shamil Murtazin

It's a pity. Write down that offer. Maybe even meet a similar =)
Incidentally, I did not throw one gusyanku the stood - and she pupate. Waiting may be that worthwhile work.

15.06.2015 23:47, Yuri Semejkin

Over "patient", dried up. We should probably delete, will remain visible in the uncertainty.

15.06.2015 22:25, Shamil Murtazin

Yuri, the patient ?. =)

01.06.2015 10:02, Yuri Semejkin

Kirkazona near there, and not many people like wild ginger. Lyudorfii In addition, a couple ognёvok and everything is possible. Is really more a caterpillar rolled up into a tube sheet. But it failed to grow.
Well, if it does not, it means not destiny.

01.06.2015 9:16, Shamil Murtazin

this finger to the sky =) "your" seaside butterflies love aristolochiaceae (same wild ginger), I, if gusyanka refused to fruit trees, it is usually eaten or violet plantain ...

01.06.2015 9:02, Yuri Semejkin

If offhand, the mugwort and pobegonosnaya, Asarum Siebold, sedge grass and ordinary, -I do not know the name, too, probably because of sedges. More celandine, nettle, cinquefoil, violet and so on.

01.06.2015 8:34, Shamil Murtazin

And from herbaceous?

01.06.2015 8:24, Yuri Semejkin

Right from the fence forest. Of these feeds do not. Growing birch, oak, elm, ash, euonymus sacred, walnut, two types of lime. While I can not say. so she chose something.

01.06.2015 2:05, Shamil Murtazin

Yes, I'd say that this copper-butterfly ... Podalirius although there are similarities.
But feed them rugged. Sam would probably leaves plucked from the garden that is: raspberries, cherries, apple, cherry, plum, turn and diluted the "grass" alfalfa, broom ...
Or maybe she was going to have to pupate, that creeps?

31.05.2015 14:40, Yuri Semejkin

Taken on a metal fence dyeing. It seems that it has nothing to do here, probably infected others. Insects. Took just in case, hoping to get a butterfly can not so much how to implement the parasite.
And other possible option., - Was blown away by the wind from a nearby tree. Then the form is needed, or at least the family to pick up the food.
Opinions are?

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