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Photo #40669: Parnassius apollo


Parnassius apollo

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Base gallery. Upperside. Pinned specimen.

Photo, and identified by: Igor Ivannikov. Image without retouching at the website

Date and time, location shooting/catching: 1938-06-17 00:00:00, Moscow region. Serpukhovskaya district, der. Luzhki Coll.Milk yield.

Comments on this image

16.06.2015 19:44, Vasiliy Feoktistov

I think it is. The question is not exactly up there, alas ((
Imagine there is a trench dug in a piece of wood and set fire to it in the litter. And next to trees on fire did not spread. I think that makes the people who are responsible for the forest (forest rangers, etc..) To then cut down and sell the wood (pine timber there) referring to the fallen.And nobody thinks and never really thought much of insects in all stages (and not only them) will burn in that same litter ...... Anyway will destroy an entire biocenosis (((
And Mnemosyne flies approx. a kilometer away from this conflagration .......
And how biotsenozov destroyed in Moscow and the surrounding areas due to the so-called"anti-bark beetle?" The horror ....
In the wild can not intervene and we must protect it primarily from person .....

16.06.2015 18:33, Peter Khramov

There are no edges in Russia, that issue was not raised.

16.06.2015 18:22, Vasiliy Feoktistov

"Poshuchu" even)))
I put yourself in the following year a clear goal. Find it in those places where the question of the protection of insects never climbed never had never been any protected areas, and just a good clean, beautiful and untouched nature)))
Mnemosyne is already there. I will Apollo)))

16.06.2015 17:26, Peter Khramov

Basil, a practical joker, because "in 1938, the issue of protection of insects did not exist."

16.06.2015 15:44, Vasiliy Feoktistov

It is in 45 reserve was only organized, but the place was a cult long before :)
Although he did not go there: I prefer to look on their own terms. I like it more than a buzz
Well, the coordinates of the points, I do believe more than public. On the day before Mnemosyne did not deliberately set, to be honest.In order to then not Rushed all and sundry and knocked her (now the GPS in every second phone). And there as a penny and a half of my apartment: so just do not find ....

16.06.2015 15:14, Alexandr Zhakov

Basil, the reserve was established in 1945. In 1938, the issue of protection of insects did not exist. As always puts paragraphs nearest town to the point of capture, sometimes ukzyvalos distance and bearing from this settlement, but it is rare, as well as now coordinates.

16.06.2015 13:23, Vasiliy Feoktistov

Why joker? Really in PTZ catches polmoskvy and labels are not tied to the reserve and to the settlements, which are either in the reserve or around it. Places where you can say cult))

16.06.2015 12:55, Peter Khramov

Well, Basil, you're a joker ...

16.06.2015 9:56, Vasiliy Feoktistov

It seems people just encrypted and writes the name of the nearest village so as not to shine on the label that the butterfly is withdrawn from the reserve))). And even more so when the butterfly was collected it was certainly very strict with the issue of fishing in the territory of any OOPT (specially protected natural area). Still, in 1938 .....
P.S. Igor correct.The name of the settlement Meadows should be written without quotes :)

16.06.2015 9:43, Igor Ivannikov

Thank Basil.

16.06.2015 0:46, Vasiliy Feoktistov

I do not need to study the geography of the internet MO: I have lived here for almost 50 years)))
Meadows is actually PTZ.
That's a very good friend of mine was collecting it there is the same: http://insectamo.ru/larva/34-papilionidae/60-parnassius-apollo
See geografmyu necessary to a collector.
By the way: In the village itself, it could not be and can not, but in seё okrestnostyaz easily.
Yet.if memory serves me right in the PTA, work on acclimatization species in those areas. (the experiment was unsuccessful) ie it has a population of Apollo iskusstvennnoe origins and is now almost extinct (((

16.06.2015 0:28, Igor Ivannikov

I'm not too lazy to look the information on the Internet. Village "Meadows" is located in the south-west, near the borders of the reserve.

16.06.2015 0:11, Igor Ivannikov

Basil, perhaps to preserve detail.

15.06.2015 22:22, Shamil Murtazin

perfectly preserved :)

15.06.2015 18:36, Nikolay Grebennikov

yes ... 77 years butterfly is cool))

15.06.2015 17:38, Vasiliy Feoktistov

Meadows, Serpukhov district which means "PTZ" and the abbreviation And this means Oka-terraced reserve ........

15.06.2015 15:35, Igor Ivannikov

Many years ago, a taxidermist I saw hammer coinage proposed change. He offered me a replacement pair of butterflies. Unfortunately, only one survived.

15.06.2015 15:29, Alex Dumchus

Well, someone has a bullet in his head caught in the Lubyanka, and someone in the meadow of butterflies.

15.06.2015 15:28, Igor Ivannikov

Yes I also like.

15.06.2015 15:26, Peter Khramov

Wonderful copy.

15.06.2015 15:23, Igor Ivannikov

No, not wrong. Everything is as it is.

15.06.2015 15:18, Alex Dumchus

C year were not mistaken there?

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