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Photo #40773: Cystidia stratonice


Cystidia stratonice

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Photo, and identified by: Yuri Semejkin. Image without retouching at the website

Date and time, location shooting/catching: 2015-06-17 00:00:00, Vladivostok Neighborhood

Photographer's comment: And here's what happened. The image shows an empty chrysalis (verified) of Cystidia stratonice. Next to it is the pupa of a parasite that once entered the body of a caterpillar. One stage was not captured. Namely:.A "jelly-like mass" shaped like a pale straw-yellow caterpillar was released from the butterfly's pupa. I had to distract myself, and when I remembered about it, after 3-4 hours, instead of "caterpillar" there was already a parasite pupa.

Comments on this image

20.06.2015 6:49, Yuri Semejkin

Yes, it is possible to try, nymph parasite is stored. There is another nymph butterfly, also taken from kirkazona and, in general, 100% sure that if it comes out of someone, it is not exactly a butterfly .....

20.06.2015 4:53, Vasiliy Feoktistov

Yuri, in your case, the parasite belongs to the order Diptera and the only thing I can advise: try to withdraw it imago svotografirovat and ask to molbiol in this topic: http://molbiol.ru/forums/index.php?showtopic=138133
Subject to determine the Hymenoptera (if ever will the rider): http://molbiol.ru/forums/index.php? showtopic = 133599
The forum is a special on all orders of insects: including by Diptera with Hymenoptera.
True to the Far East where it can be difficult (and indeed elsewhere).
Too early to say that all is lost. Perhaps you are lucky and :)

20.06.2015 1:21, Yuri Semejkin

Even if you pass the parasite to the Institute, its definition under the big question. For several years, no one to deal with flies, the more such a large family. At best, maybe someone will say race.

19.06.2015 18:03, Vasiliy Feoktistov

It is appropriate in that case if the form of the parasite known on the photo. Some parasite is "no roll". In your case, some fly-tahina, judging by Poupard. And in flies and other parasites are not strong I think no one should be somewhere in pre-determine the parasite before shipping these photos.
As an example, my photos: http: // lepidoptera.ru / gallery / 25021 where obviously know the form of the parasite and the fact that in my lands, he has his master (specifically: swallowtail). These pictures in my mind it makes sense to put the mind. This is certainly just my opinion)

19.06.2015 17:25, Yuri Semejkin

Here's a series. And now my question to the administrator and modders. Whether such a load, when the output instead of a butterfly parasite?
This already was loaded to the site and somehow did not approve of was little discussion and the case ended remains unclear.
Someone might say again that all this is superfluous, unnecessary, only it takes place.Excuse me, but a few days ago, I threw one Moder request, what to do, not gruzit- shipping. But the letter did not come see or write once YES - NO.
And along the way more question. If you delete the pictures that comes with their numbers. Peter, can these numbers can be displayed on the site for re-use?

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