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Photo #41112: Lepidoptera sp.



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Base gallery. Lateral/Underside. Alive insect.

Photo, and identified by: Irina Nikulina. Image without retouching at the website

Date and time, location shooting/catching: 2015-06-14 14:00:00, Hungary, Budapest, Garden of tropical butterflies

Comments on this image

30.06.2015 11:17, Peter Khramov

To judge it is currently possible, and sometimes necessary. It being understood that everything could be completely different, more complete information we do not have.

30.06.2015 2:17, Vasiliy Feoktistov

Peter, then say so, "double-edged sword." A man with whom you are acquainted himself quite a peculiar person to think that he is "white and fluffy", and had been treated incorrectly. It seems to me that the owners probably had a good reason.I remember this man since the mid-1990s, even under the old "bird" (which was Kalitnikah) when he's selling collectible butterflies .... So that it is not for us to judge who's done correctly (most likely this was are any the background).

29.06.2015 20:54, Peter Khramov

Familiar with the person who created the whole thing (and a tropical pavilion and the Museum of insects, and minerals). According to him, the owners of the park behaved very correctly (read - *******), in connection with which he had to stop working with them. Offhand, the replacement of qualified staff was not there, and everything started to decline.Now you have found someone or something there at all now - not a banner. But, perhaps, I will not go on principle.
However, without a car there is generally nothing to do, you will die before get there.

29.06.2015 16:35, Irina Nikulina

In Hungary, the Garden of the Budapest Zoo (one of the favorite places in the city, I did the zoo never seen!)) A butterfly garden I have something to compare, at the time was in Shёnbrunnskom Garden of Vienna and in a couple of French Languedoc -Russilone.Those greatly impressed everyone - and plenty of species of butterflies, and the freshness and especially recreated natural environment. So Hungary is not worse), except that the smaller size. Many butterflies, all clean, oblёtannyh minimum species counted about ok.40.Nothing artificial - all the flowers, plants, live trees, beautiful, well-groomed) Sorry, not on vacation was och.korotkaya trip for, but it would still be there took off) in Moscow 100 years was not only when it first opened - Then it was a sad spectacle (... do not know what is there now.By the way, very much a huge pavilion Tropical Bird Park in Vorobyov! Plant excellent condition! Talk to those who served him, like there were going to breed butterflies .. I do not know, Peter?

29.06.2015 14:28, Peter Khramov

Interior does not see this obletannost and neighboring fote quite a obletannost. In Moscow if the time to get there, everything will be buzzing with obletannostyu. But with the size of the room interiors, variety of species - so, problem.But if we compare with the Nizhny Novgorod, where I was in a regular room carried a special live attendants in envelopes (Che them to fly in vain?), In Moscow still hoo! Although HH was also room for Pobol, but in the dungeons.

29.06.2015 12:16, Vasiliy Feoktistov

They probably all usual))
And judging by the interior design and neoblёtannosti there the inhabitants of which are shown in the photo - our gardens to theirs "as the moon" .....
Irina, thank you for these wonderful photos :))

29.06.2015 2:46, Peter Khramov

Wow, Hungarians and gardens with flowers and butterflies are found ...

29.06.2015 1:02, Irina Nikulina

Heliconius erato?

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