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Photo #49658: Calopteryx virgo


Calopteryx virgo

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Base gallery. Upperside. Alive insect.

Photo, and identified by: Irina Nikulina. Image without retouching at the website

Date and time, location shooting/catching: 2011-07-15 12:45:00, Russia, Kaluzhskaya reg., Borovskiy district, Protva river

Comments on this image

07.12.2015 16:05, Peter Khramov Corrected data.

Calopteryx Calopteryx virgo.

06.12.2015 23:32, Eugene Karolinskiy

OK, Irina, thank you. I also thought a lot :) and decided that probably you are right and I was wrong. Rather, it is Virgo. I would still put the imprecise definition.

06.12.2015 23:08, Irina Nikulina

Specially set female Virgo exactly from the same place, just a meter) there in July, both species in large numbers to fly and live confused impossible - splendens very typical discolored areas, and the pair even when shooting seemed quite different, namely such as on makroide (and not only there), I perceived them.Flash (looked EXIF) could highlight a little root zone. Now I find more in this series and put)

06.12.2015 22:53, Eugene Karolinskiy

Um, I have some doubts, of course, is ... the more that a typical Virgo female appeared. :) Typical male Virgo about this: http://macroid.ru/showphoto.php?photo=132872 - are you? Photography can distort reality. Yet it seems to me that these two male big bet - at splendens. :)

06.12.2015 22:34, Irina Nikulina

I do not know, Eugene) I would not say that, especially on the tops of the wings ..) They are different from all splendens, which are now set. But this is my amateurish opinion, the trained eye, well, just not special)

06.12.2015 21:39, Eugene Karolinskiy

IMHO they are colorless, but on the background of green vegetation seems stained. No?

06.12.2015 20:38, Irina Nikulina

Thank you, Eugene, for the entire series! Here she saw colorless base of the wings and tops and even a "?" not delivered, what is not typical splendens (for me))

06.12.2015 20:28, Eugene Karolinskiy

Calopteryx splendens

06.12.2015 19:48, Irina Nikulina

Calopteryx virgo

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