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Photo #56200: Aplocera plagiata


Aplocera plagiata

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Base gallery. Upperside. Alive insect.

Photo, and identified by: Evgeny Komarov. Image without retouching at the website. Tentative identification

Date and time, location shooting/catching: 2013-07-03 00:00:00, Kazakhstan, khr. Ketmen above p. Dardamty, 1900 m n. o. m.

Comments on this image

02.04.2016 12:03, Irina Nikulina

Eugene, however, and wrote - see for yourself, briefly looked. Here I agree, the more you're at higher magnification posmotret.Etot could sign more on some sites encountered, for example, there http://www.lepinet.fr/especes/nation/lep/index.php?id=35830.

02.04.2016 10:57, Yuri Semejkin

Also I look. I am of the view Eugene. Looked at lepiforume - 1). y A. efformata in the basal region. There are almost all pictures t / brown strokes (A. plagiata have not seen such clear).
2) In the dusky light bar perevyazyamt passes. In my opinion it is still somewhat narrower than that of A. plagiata. ..Pictures from individuals compared with approximately equally spread apart krylyami.oboih species. Perhaps she should stay where she is now. And before you know, and an expert on Kazakhstan there will moths.

02.04.2016 9:49, Evgeny Komarov Corrected data.

Confidently identified Tentatively identified.

02.04.2016 9:49, Evgeny Komarov Corrected data.

Geometridae Aplocera plagiata.

02.04.2016 9:48, Evgeny Komarov

Here on the ground, I looked (at hand there are plenty of resolution), it turns out still plagiata - rounded corner. Well, kind of normal for Kazakhstan (on Kazenas). I take on in inaccurate.

01.04.2016 22:43, Irina Nikulina

Aplocera sp. In my opinion. This Aplocera efformata Here, Eugene, look more self - dif. diagnosis http://www.northumberlandmoths.org.uk/moth.php?taxon_from_search=Aplocera%20plagiata third figure at the bottom - left efformata (Lesser Treble-bar), sprava- plagiata (Treble-bar)

01.04.2016 20:24, Evgeny Komarov Corrected data.

Not identified Geometridae / Confidently identified / Evgeny Komarov.

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