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Insects photos at Insecta.pro gallery, page 427

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Photos found: 51191, taxons: 10286

Pages: 1 ...423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431... 512

Autographa mandarina Autographa mandarina Autographa mandarina Autographa mandarina Autographa jota Autographa jota Autographa jota Autographa jota Autographa jota Autographa buraetica Lepidoptera Autographa gamma Autographa gamma Autographa gamma Autographa bractea Autographa bractea Autographa bractea Autographa excelsa Autographa excelsa Autographa excelsa Autographa excelsa Melitaea didyma Melitaea didyma Melitaea britomartis Lepidoptera Lepidoptera Lepidoptera Ptycholoma imitator Laothoe populi Arenostola phragmitidis Globia sparganii Globia sparganii Apamea sordens Apamea sordens Apamea sordens Apamea scolopacina Apamea scolopacina Apamea scolopacina Parastichtis suspecta Brachylomia viminalis Apamea remissa Apamea rubrirena Lateroligia ophiogramma Lateroligia ophiogramma Lateroligia ophiogramma Lateroligia ophiogramma Apamea monoglypha Apamea monoglypha Mniotype satura Apamea monoglypha Apamea crenata Antitype chi Antitype chi Antitype chi Antitype chi Antitype chi Antitype chi Anorthoa munda Anarta trifolii Anarta trifolii Anaplectoides prasina Trachea atriplicis Anaplectoides prasina Anaplectoides prasina Anaplectoides prasina Anaplectoides prasina Amphipyra tragopoginis Lepidoptera Amphipyra perflua Amphipyra pyramidea Amphipyra perflua Amphipyra perflua Synanthedon scoliaeformis Sciota hostilis Sciota hostilis Ammoconia caecimacula Pempelia palumbella Myelois circumvoluta Euzophera cinerosella Episcythrastis tetricella Anerastia lotella Anerastia lotella Sciota hostilis Assara terebrella Assara terebrella Nephopterix angustella Nephopterix angustella Hypochalcia ahenella Hypochalcia ahenella Homoeosoma sinuella Homoeosoma sinuella Euzophera cinerosella Plutella porrectella Allophyes oxyacanthae Clostera anastomosis Clostera anastomosis Clostera anastomosis Furcula bifida Odontosia sieversii Odontosia sieversii

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The butterflies, beetles and other insects photos displayed here have been taken by our users. If you would like to share your own images, please first register at this site and then upload images in the member area.

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Project editor in chief and administrator: Peter Khramov.

Curators: Konstantin Efetov, Vasiliy Feoktistov, Svyatoslav Knyazev, Evgeny Komarov, Stan Korb, Alexander Zhakov.

Moderators: Vasiliy Feoktistov, Evgeny Komarov, Dmitriy Pozhogin, Alexandr Zhakov.

Thanks to all authors, who publish materials on the website.

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