class Insecta
Cleonis pigra (Scopoli, 1763) = Cleonus indicus Fahraeus, 1842 = Curculio sulcirostris Linnaeus, 1767 = Curculio transversofasciatus Goeze, 1777 = Curculio fuscatus Gmelin 1790 = Cleonus impexus Motschulsky 1859 = Cleonus indicus Fahaeus 1842 = Cleonus scutellatus Boheman 1829 = Curculio sulcirostris Linnaeus 1767 = Curculio transversofasciatus Goeze 1777 = Curculio fasciatus Villers 1789 = Curculio nebulosus Knoch 1781 = Cleonis piger Scopoli, 1763. [10, 186]
This species marks on the maps: 7.
Initial species uploading to the site: Peter Khramov.
Text data: Peter Khramov.
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