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Formica aquilonia Yarrow, 1955

Имаго  Formica aquilonia


class Insecta subclass Pterygota infraclass Neoptera superorder Holometabola order Hymenoptera suborder Apocrita infraorder Aculeata superfamily Vespoidea family Formicidae subfamily Formicinae tribe Formicini genus Formica → species Formica aquilonia

Species name(s)

Formica aquilonia Yarrow, 1955 = Formica rufa schmidti Ruzsky, 1926. [188]


Имаго  Formica aquilonia

Detailed information with references


  • Trans-palearctic species with boreal distribution type [231].

Imago Habitus and Differences from alike species

  • Body length 4.0-8.5 mm. [228].
  • Reddish, forehead, crown, occipital margin, spot (pattern) on the pronotum and parts of the mesonotum and abdomen dark brown, legs light brown. Matte, the front of the head is slightly shiny. The frontal area is shiny. Eyes with microscopic hairs. The body is evenly covered with a thin adjacent pubescence. On the occipital edge of the head on the sides of 2-4 pairs of short, thin, sloping hairs. On the mesopleurae, there are spaced hairs only along the anterior edge. On the top of the breast, as a rule, there are no distant hairs, or there are short, sparse hairs. Below the head, as a rule, there are several pairs of spaced hairs of the same length as on the top of the chest. Scapus of the antennae, tergites and sternites of the abdomen, the outer surface of the hind thighs and legs with sparse, short spaced hairs. [226].
  • From our other species from the Formica rufa group, it differs in terms of workers by the character of the occipital edge of the head with a chaetotaxy. In Formica rufa and Formica polyctena there are no distant hairs on the back of the head, in Formica lugubris they are quite abundant along the entire occipital margin. [PC1294].


Initial species uploading to the site: Peter Khramov.

Photos: Vladimir Zryanin.

Text data: Vladimir Zryanin.



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