This taxon marks on the maps Raphia: 2
Raphia abrupta Grote, 1864 [species]
Raphia aethiops Bang-Haas, 1912 [species]
Raphia approximata Alphéraky, 1887 [species]
Raphia cinderella J. B. Smith, 1903 [species]
Raphia coloradensis Putnam-Cramer, 1886 [species]
Raphia corax Draudt, 1950 [species]
Raphia elbea J. B. Smith, 1908 [species]
Raphia frater Grote, 1864 [species]
Raphia hybris (Hubner, 1813) [species]
Raphia illarioni Filipjev, 1937 [species]
Raphia obsoleta Kozhanchikov, 1950 [species]
Raphia pallula H. Edwards, 1886 [species]
Raphia peustera Pungeler, 1906 [species]
Raphia peusteria Püngeler, 1907 [species]
Raphia piazzi Hill, 1927 [species]
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