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Genus Alophus

Insecta subclass Pterygota infraclass Neoptera superorder Holometabola order Coleoptera suborder Polyphaga infraorder Cucujiformia superfamily Curculionoidea family Curculionidae → genus Alophus


Daughter taxa

Alophus adspersus Pic, 1931 [species]

Alophus agrestis Bohem. in Schoenh. , 1842 [species]

Alophus albidus Fiori , 1905 [species]

Alophus albonotatus Motsch. in Schrenck , 1860 [species]

Alophus alternans Woll. , 1865 [species]

Alophus alternatus Boheman, 1834 [species]

Alophus apfelbecki Reitt. , 1901 [species]

Alophus apicalis Endrödi , 1960 [species]

Alophus apicatulus Endrödi , 1960 [species]

Alophus apicatus Endrödi , 1960 [species]

Alophus armeniacus Hochh. , 1847 [species]

Alophus arrogans Faust , 1883 [species]

Alophus asturiensis Stierl. , 1888 [species]

Alophus austriacus Otto, 1894 [species]

Alophus balcanicus Apfelb. , 1927 [species]

Alophus basalis Endrödi , 1960 [species]

Alophus biguttatus Gebl. , 1832 [species]

Alophus bipunctellus Endrödi , 1960 [species]

Alophus carpathicus Reitt. , 1901 [species]

Alophus caudiculatus Fairm. , 1886 [species]

Alophus cinereus Ballion , 1877 [species]

Alophus cirriger Mannerheim, 1834 [species]

Alophus cordiger Sulz. [species]

Alophus cretaceus Reitt. , 1894 [species]

Alophus csiki Apfelbeck , 1927 [species]

Alophus csikii Apfelb. , 1927 [species]

Alophus didymus J. Lec. , 1854 [species]

Alophus elegans Reitt. , 1894 [species]

Alophus eximius Faust , 1885 [species]

Alophus extensus Endrödi , 1960 [species]

Alophus foraminosus Stierl. , 1861 [species]

Alophus foveatus Endrödi , 1960 [species]

Alophus gamma Meg. , 1836 [species]

Alophus gjorgjevici Apfelb. , 1927 [species]

Alophus haliciensis Reitt. , 1902 [species]

Alophus hebraeus Stierl. , 1888 [species]

Alophus hilfi Reitt. , 1901 [species]

Alophus humeralis Gebl. , 1833 [species]

Alophus immaculatus Desbr. D. Loges , 1871 [species]

Alophus inopinus Faust , 1894 [species]

Alophus italicus Fiori , 1905 [species]

Alophus kashgarensis Faust , 1887 [species]

Alophus kaufmanni Stierl. , 1884 [species]

Alophus lentus Faust , 1883 [species]

Alophus leucon Mannerh. in Schoenh. , 1834 [species]

Alophus lineatus Gebl. , 1841 [species]

Alophus lituratus Faust , 1882 [species]

Alophus maeklini Faust , 1890 [species]

Alophus magnificus Woll. , 1864 [species]

Alophus malissorum Apfelb. , 1927 [species]

Alophus marginatus Faust , 1886 [species]

Alophus marginellus Endrödi , 1960 [species]

Alophus matzenaueri Lokay , 1908 [species]

Alophus melanocardius Herbst [species]

Alophus nictitans Bohem. in Schoenh. , 1842 [species]

Alophus nigrans Fiori , 1905 [species]

Alophus obsoletus Reitt. , 1894 [species]

Alophus pacatus Faust , 1890 [species]

Alophus pauperculus Faust , 1885 [species]

Alophus planus Endrödi , 1960 [species]

Alophus plausibilis Faust , 1886 [species]

Alophus pseudoelegans Reitt. , 1901 [species]

Alophus puncticollis Reitt. , 1901 [species]

Alophus quadriguttatus Mannerheim, 1834 [species]

Alophus quadrinotatus Motsch. in Schrenck , 1860 [species]

Alophus quadripunctellus Endrödi , 1960 [species]

Alophus quadripunctillus Endrödi , 1960 [species]

Alophus rhodopensis Reitt. , 1912 [species]

Alophus rudis Bohem. in Schoenh. , 1842 [species]

Alophus rufimanus Marsh. [species]

Alophus sequensi Reitt. , 1901 [species]

Alophus seriatus Mannerh. , 1853 [species]

Alophus setosus Faust , 1883 [species]

Alophus shardaghensis Apfelbeck , 1927 [species]

Alophus singularis Jacq. du Val , 1854-68 [species]

Alophus squamiventris Reitt. , 1901 [species]

Alophus stierlini Reitt. , 1885 [species]

Alophus striatirostris Marsh. [species]

Alophus styriacus Apfelb. , 1927 [species]

Alophus subcarinatus Reitt. , 1894 [species]

Alophus subcostatus Ball. , 1877 [species]

Alophus subguttatus LeConte, 1850 [species]

Alophus subnudus Faust , 1885 [species]

Alophus sulcirostris Ball. , 1878 [species]

Alophus syriacus Capiomont , 1867 [species]

Alophus triguttatus Fabricius [species]

Alophus trinotatus Steph. , 1832 [species]

Alophus uniformis Reitt. , 1894 [species]

Alophus v-griseum Meg. , 1836 [species]

Alophus v-griseus Dejean, 1836 [species]

Alophus vau Schrank [species]

Alophus vittatus Faust , 1882 [species]

Alophus weberi Pen. , 1901 [species]


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Curators: Konstantin Efetov, Vasiliy Feoktistov, Svyatoslav Knyazev, Evgeny Komarov, Stan Korb, Alexander Zhakov.

Moderators: Vasiliy Feoktistov, Evgeny Komarov, Dmitriy Pozhogin, Alexandr Zhakov.

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