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Genus Stephanoderes

Insecta subclass Pterygota infraclass Neoptera superorder Holometabola order Coleoptera suborder Polyphaga infraorder Cucujiformia superfamily Curculionoidea family Curculionidae → genus Stephanoderes


Daughter taxa

Stephanoderes abruptus Schedl, 1961e [species]

Stephanoderes adscitus Schedl, 1950f [species]

Stephanoderes africanus Hopkins, 1915b [species]

Stephanoderes agnatus Eggers, 1924 [species]

Stephanoderes albipilis Reitter, 1887b [species]

Stephanoderes alter Eggers, 1923a [species]

Stephanoderes alternatus Eggers, 1943e [species]

Stephanoderes alutaceus Schaufuss, C.F.C., 1897b [species]

Stephanoderes amakusanus Murayama, 1943c [species]

Stephanoderes amazonicus Eggers, 1934a [species]

Stephanoderes ampliatus Eggers, 1936d [species]

Stephanoderes andersoni Wood, 1954a [species]

Stephanoderes approximatus Hopkins, 1915b [species]

Stephanoderes arundinis Eichhoff, 1878b [species]

Stephanoderes asperatus Schedl, 1967e [species]

Stephanoderes asperulus Eichhoff, 1872a [species]

Stephanoderes ater Eggers, 1932c [species]

Stephanoderes aterrimus Schedl, 1951m [species]

Stephanoderes atratus Schedl, 1964j [species]

Stephanoderes attenuatus Eggers, 1935c [species]

Stephanoderes bakeri Eggers, 1927c [species]

Stephanoderes baloghi Schedl, 1967e [species]

Stephanoderes bambesanus Eggers, 1940c [species]

Stephanoderes bananensis Eggers, 1922b [species]

Stephanoderes biseriatus Eggers, 1919 [species]

Stephanoderes bituberculatus Eggers, 1940a [species]

Stephanoderes bolivianus Eggers, 1931b [species]

Stephanoderes brasiliensis Hopkins, 1915b [species]

Stephanoderes brevicollis Eggers, 1927a [species]

Stephanoderes brevis Eggers, 1932c [species]

Stephanoderes brunneicollis Hopkins, 1915b [species]

Stephanoderes brunneipes Nunberg, 1960a [species]

Stephanoderes brunneus Hopkins, 1915b [species]

Stephanoderes buscki Hopkins, 1915b [species]

Stephanoderes camerunus Eggers, 1922b [species]

Stephanoderes carbonarius Eggers, 1943e [species]

Stephanoderes cassiae Eichhoff, 1878b [species]

Stephanoderes castaneus Wood, 1954a [species]

Stephanoderes chapuisii Eichhoff, 1872a [species]

Stephanoderes coffeae Hagedorn, 1910e [species]

Stephanoderes colae Schedl, 1957d [species]

Stephanoderes communis Schaufuss, C.F.C., 1891 [species]

Stephanoderes confusus Eggers, 1940c [species]

Stephanoderes congonus Hagedorn, 1912a [species]

Stephanoderes cooki Hopkins, 1915b [species]

Stephanoderes coriaceus Eichhoff, 1878b [species]

Stephanoderes costatus Eichhoff, 1878a [species]

Stephanoderes cubensis Hopkins, 1915b [species]

Stephanoderes cylindraceus Schedl, 1972e [species]

Stephanoderes cylindricus Hopkins, 1915b [species]

Stephanoderes darwinensis Schedl, 1942c [species]

Stephanoderes depressus Eichhoff, 1878b [species]

Stephanoderes differens Hopkins, 1915b [species]

Stephanoderes dimorphus Schedl, 1959c [species]

Stephanoderes discedens Schedl, 1950d [species]

Stephanoderes dispar Eggers, 1936c [species]

Stephanoderes dorsosignatus Schedl, 1950f [species]

Stephanoderes ehlersi Eichhoff, 1878b [species]

Stephanoderes elaphas Eichhoff, 1872a [species]

Stephanoderes elongatus Hopkins, 1915b [species]

Stephanoderes emmi Eggers, 1919 [species]

Stephanoderes erythrinae Eggers, 1936d [species]

Stephanoderes euphorbiae Schedl, 1961e [species]

Stephanoderes evonymi Hopkins, 1915b [species]

Stephanoderes fallax Costa Lima, 1924 [species]

Stephanoderes ferrugineus Hopkins, 1915b [species]

Stephanoderes ficus Hopkins, 1915b [species]

Stephanoderes fiebrigi Hopkins, 1915b [species]

Stephanoderes flavescens Hopkins, 1915b [species]

Stephanoderes flavicollis Hopkins, 1915b [species]

Stephanoderes floridensis Hopkins, 1915b [species]

Stephanoderes frontalis Hopkins, 1915b [species]

Stephanoderes fungicola Eggers, 1908c [species]

Stephanoderes fuscicollis Eichhoff, 1878b [species]

Stephanoderes garciae Schedl, 1958f [species]

Stephanoderes georgiae Hopkins, 1915b [species]

Stephanoderes germari Eichhoff, 1878b [species]

Stephanoderes glabellus Schedl, 1952a [species]

Stephanoderes glabratus Schedl, 1957a [species]

Stephanoderes glabripennis Hopkins, 1915b [species]

Stephanoderes gossypii Hopkins, 1915b [species]

Stephanoderes gracilis Eggers, 1929e [species]

Stephanoderes guatemalensis Hopkins, 1915b [species]

Stephanoderes hawaiiensis Schedl, 1941f [species]

Stephanoderes heveae Hagedorn, 1912a [species]

Stephanoderes hirsutus Wood, 1954a [species]

Stephanoderes hispidus Eggers, 1925 [species]

Stephanoderes hivaoea Beeson, 1935b [species]

Stephanoderes incognitus Schedl, 1967e [species]

Stephanoderes ingens Schedl, 1942d [species]

Stephanoderes interpunctus Hopkins, 1915b [species]

Stephanoderes intersetosus Eggers, 1928c [species]

Stephanoderes interstitialis Hopkins, 1915b [species]

Stephanoderes intricatus Schedl, 1950d [species]

Stephanoderes ituriensis Schedl, 1957d [species]

Stephanoderes javanus Eggers, 1908c [species]

Stephanoderes kalshoveni Schedl, 1939f [species]

Stephanoderes lamuensis Eggers, 1935c [species]

Stephanoderes largipennis Toledo Piza Jr., S. de, 1924b [species]

Stephanoderes lebronneci Beeson, 1935b [species]

Stephanoderes lecontei Hopkins, 1915b [species]

Stephanoderes lefevrei Schedl, 1952j [species]

Stephanoderes liberiensis Hopkins, 1915b [species]

Stephanoderes lineatus Eggers, 1927a [species]

Stephanoderes liquidambarae Wood, 1954a [species]

Stephanoderes longipennis Eggers, 1935c [species]

Stephanoderes lucasi Hopkins, 1915b [species]

Stephanoderes macrolobii Eggers, 1940c [species]

Stephanoderes magnus Eggers, 1924 [species]

Stephanoderes mallyi Hopkins, 1915b [species]

Stephanoderes malus Schedl, 1957d [species]

Stephanoderes marshalli Eggers, 1936c [species]

Stephanoderes martiniquensis Eggers, 1941a [species]

Stephanoderes mateui Schedl, 1965j [species]

Stephanoderes micans Eggers, 1927b [species]

Stephanoderes minutus Hopkins, 1915b [species]

Stephanoderes mkulumusius Eggers, 1919 [species]

Stephanoderes morigerus Schedl, 1957d [species]

Stephanoderes morio Eggers, 1940b [species]

Stephanoderes moschatae Schaufuss, C.F.C., 1905 [species]

Stephanoderes mulongensis Eggers, 1940c [species]

Stephanoderes multidentatulus Schedl, 1962r [species]

Stephanoderes multidentatus Schedl, 1959q [species]

Stephanoderes multipunctatus Schedl, 1939f [species]

Stephanoderes muticus Schedl, 1961e [species]

Stephanoderes myrmedon Eichhoff, 1878b [species]

Stephanoderes nanulus Schedl, 1948f [species]

Stephanoderes natalensis Eggers, 1936c [species]

Stephanoderes nibarani Beeson, 1933 [species]

Stephanoderes niger Hopkins, 1915b [species]

Stephanoderes nigropiceus Schedl, 1951j [species]

Stephanoderes nitidifrons Hopkins, 1915b [species]

Stephanoderes nitidipennis Hopkins, 1915b [species]

Stephanoderes nitidulus Hopkins, 1915b [species]

Stephanoderes notatus Schedl (Eggers in), 1963j [species]

Stephanoderes obesus Hopkins, 1915b [species]

Stephanoderes obliquus Hopkins, 1915b [species]

Stephanoderes obscurus Eichhoff, 1872a [species]

Stephanoderes occidentalis Schedl, 1954e [species]

Stephanoderes opacifrons Hopkins, 1915b [species]

Stephanoderes opacipennis Hopkins, 1915b [species]

Stephanoderes opacus Eichhoff, 1872a [species]

Stephanoderes pacificus Beeson, 1940 [species]

Stephanoderes paraguayensis Hopkins, 1915b [species]

Stephanoderes parallelus Hopkins, 1915b [species]

Stephanoderes pecanis Hopkins, 1915b [species]

Stephanoderes perappositus Schedl, 1934d [species]

Stephanoderes perhispidus Eggers, 1927a [species]

Stephanoderes perkinsi Hopkins, 1915b [species]

Stephanoderes perpunctatus Eggers, 1940c [species]

Stephanoderes philippinensis Hopkins, 1915b [species]

Stephanoderes pini Hopkins, 1915b [species]

Stephanoderes pistor Schedl, 1951m [species]

Stephanoderes plumeriae Noerdlinger, 1850 [species]

Stephanoderes polyphagus Costa Lima, 1924 [species]

Stephanoderes praecellens Schedl, 1972e [species]

Stephanoderes prosper Schedl, 1951m [species]

Stephanoderes psidii Hopkins, 1915b [species]

Stephanoderes pubescens Schedl, 1942d [species]

Stephanoderes pubipennis Eggers, 1935c [species]

Stephanoderes pulverulentus Eichhoff, 1872a [species]

Stephanoderes punctatus Eggers, 1924 [species]

Stephanoderes puncticollis Hopkins, 1915b [species]

Stephanoderes pygmaeus Hopkins, 1915b [species]

Stephanoderes quadridentatus Hopkins, 1915b [species]

Stephanoderes quercus Hopkins, 1915b [species]

Stephanoderes rotundicollis Eichhoff, 1878b [species]

Stephanoderes rufescens Hopkins, 1915b [species]

Stephanoderes rugifer Schedl, 1965f [species]

Stephanoderes salicis Hopkins, 1915b [species]

Stephanoderes sassaensis Eggers, 1924 [species]

Stephanoderes sculpturatus Eichhoff, 1878b [species]

Stephanoderes scutiae Schedl, 1959q [species]

Stephanoderes seriatus Eichhoff, 1872a [species]

Stephanoderes similis Eggers, 1922b [species]

Stephanoderes simoni Reitter, 1887b [species]

Stephanoderes sobrinus Schedl, 1965c [species]

Stephanoderes socialis Schedl, 1957d [species]

Stephanoderes solitarius Schedl, 1950d [species]

Stephanoderes soltaui Hopkins, 1915b [species]

Stephanoderes soussouensis Eggers, 1943e [species]

Stephanoderes sparsedentatus Schedl, 1942c [species]

Stephanoderes spinicollis Schedl, 1965c [species]

Stephanoderes squamosus Hopkins, 1915b [species]

Stephanoderes sterculiae Hopkins, 1915b [species]

Stephanoderes stigmosus Schedl, 1951m [species]

Stephanoderes styrax Schedl, 1942a [species]

Stephanoderes subacuminatus Schedl, 1942a [species]

Stephanoderes subagnatus Eggers, 1940b [species]

Stephanoderes subconcentralis Hopkins, 1915b [species]

Stephanoderes subcylindricus Eggers, 1940c [species]

Stephanoderes subopacicollis Hopkins, 1915b [species]

Stephanoderes subopacus Eggers, 1929e [species]

Stephanoderes subvestitus Eggers, 1940c [species]

Stephanoderes sundaensis Eggers, 1927b [species]

Stephanoderes taihokuensis Schedl, 1952c [species]

Stephanoderes tamarindi Hopkins, 1915b [species]

Stephanoderes teteforti Menier, 1971c [species]

Stephanoderes texanus Hopkins, 1915b [species]

Stephanoderes theobromae Eggers, 1932c [species]

Stephanoderes tigrensis Schedl, 1952a [species]

Stephanoderes transatlanticus Eggers, 1941a [species]

Stephanoderes tridentatus Hopkins, 1915b [species]

Stephanoderes trinitatis Hopkins, 1915b [species]

Stephanoderes tristis Eichhoff, 1875 [species]

Stephanoderes tuberosus Schedl, 1942d [species]

Stephanoderes tungamwansolus Schedl, 1939i [species]

Stephanoderes unicolor Hopkins, 1915b [species]

Stephanoderes uniseriatus Eggers, 1924 [species]

Stephanoderes uter Eggers, 1923a [species]

Stephanoderes virentis Hopkins, 1915b [species]

Stephanoderes vulgaris Schaufuss, C.F.C., 1897a [species]

Stephanoderes winkleri Reitter, 1907 [species]

Stephanoderes xanthophloeae Schedl, 1957d [species]

Stephanoderes zeae Schedl, 1973d [species]


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