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Genus Chlorophanus

Insecta subclass Pterygota infraclass Neoptera superorder Holometabola order Coleoptera suborder Polyphaga infraorder Cucujiformia superfamily Curculionoidea family Curculionidae → genus Chlorophanus



This taxon marks on the maps Chlorophanus: 8

Daughter taxa

Chlorophanus acutus Say, T., 1831 [species]

Chlorophanus algiricus Desbr. D. Loges, 1906 [species]

Chlorophanus anatolicus Reitter, 1915 [species]

Chlorophanus appendiculatus Ménétriés, 1849 [species]

Chlorophanus araxicola Reitter, E., 1915 [species]

Chlorophanus argentatus Reitter, 1915 [species]

Chlorophanus aurifemoratus Reitter, 1915 [species]

Chlorophanus auripes Faust, J., 1897 [species]

Chlorophanus bidens Motschulsky, 1859 [species]

Chlorophanus bivittatus Reitter, E., 1915 [species]

Chlorophanus brachythorax Motschulsky, 1859 [species]

Chlorophanus brevicollis Gyllenhal, L. in Schönherr, CJ., 1834 [species]

Chlorophanus caudatus Fåhraeus, 1840 [species]

Chlorophanus cinerascens Penecke, 1927 [species]

Chlorophanus circassicus Reitter, E., 1915 [species]

Chlorophanus circumcinctus Gyllenhal, 1834 [species]

Chlorophanus crotchi Desbrochers, 1872 [species]

Chlorophanus dahlii Sturm, 1826 [species]

Chlorophanus daurica Gebler [species]

Chlorophanus dauricus Mannerheim [species]

Chlorophanus decorus Fåhraeus, 1840 [species]

Chlorophanus disjunctus Faust, J., 1886 [species]

Chlorophanus distinguendus Hachhuth, 1851 [species]

Chlorophanus dorsalis Dejean, 1837 [species]

Chlorophanus dorsiger Faust, J., 1897 [species]

Chlorophanus excisus Schoenherr, 1840 [species]

Chlorophanus fallax Reitter, E., 1915 [species]

Chlorophanus ferghanensis Faust, J., 1886 [species]

Chlorophanus festivus Dejean, 1837 [species]

Chlorophanus flavescens Schoenherr, 1826 [species]

Chlorophanus flavocinctus DeGeer [species]

Chlorophanus foveolatus Motschulsky, 1859 [species]

Chlorophanus fumigatus Reitter, E., 1915 [species]

Chlorophanus funicularis Heller, 1930 [species]

Chlorophanus gandoni Hoffmann , 1950 [species]

Chlorophanus germari Faust, 1897 [species]

Chlorophanus gibbosus Paykull [species]

Chlorophanus glaucus Erichson [species]

Chlorophanus graminicola Gyllenhal, 1834 [species]

Chlorophanus grandis Roelofs, W., 1873 [species]

Chlorophanus inermis Gyllenhal, L. in Schönherr, CJ., 1834 [species]

Chlorophanus inundatus Reitter, E., 1915 [species]

Chlorophanus irregularis Hochhuth, I.H., 1847 [species]

Chlorophanus kansuanus Marshall, G.A.K., 1934 [species]

Chlorophanus konoi Günther K., 1933 [species]

Chlorophanus konumensis Kôno, H., 1930 [species]

Chlorophanus kubanensis Reitter, E., 1915 [species]

Chlorophanus kubanensis van Emden, 1939 [species]

Chlorophanus kubanicus Marshall, G.A.K., 1935 [species]

Chlorophanus lineolus Motschulsky, 1854 [species]

Chlorophanus lugubris Sharp, 1896 [species]

Chlorophanus magnificus Faust, 1886 [species]

Chlorophanus merkli Holdhaus, 1902 [species]

Chlorophanus metallescens Sharp, 1896 [species]

Chlorophanus micans Fåhraeus, 1840 [species]

Chlorophanus mimus Heller, K.M., 1930 [species]

Chlorophanus montanus Rey, 1894 [species]

Chlorophanus nitidulus Desbr. D. Loges, 1872 [species]

Chlorophanus nobilis Germar, 1839 [species]

Chlorophanus notabilis Faust, 1886 [species]

Chlorophanus parallelocollis Motschulsky, 1859 [species]

Chlorophanus peregrinus Reitter, E., 1915 [species]

Chlorophanus piliferus Fåhraeus, 1840 [species]

Chlorophanus planus Sharp, 1896 [species]

Chlorophanus plicatirostris Reitter, 1915 [species]

Chlorophanus pollinosus Germar [species]

Chlorophanus prasinus Sturm, 1826 [species]

Chlorophanus roseipes Heller, K.M., 1930 [species]

Chlorophanus rubripes Reitter, E., 1915 [species]

Chlorophanus ruficlava Voss, E., 1934 [species]

Chlorophanus rufipes Voss, 1931 [species]

Chlorophanus rufomarginatus Gyllenhal, 1834 [species]

Chlorophanus rugicollis Kono , 1930 [species]

Chlorophanus salicicola Germar, E.F. [species]

Chlorophanus scabricollis Motschulsky, 1860 [species]

Chlorophanus schoenherri Faust, 1897 [species]

Chlorophanus schonherri Faust, J., 1897 [species]

Chlorophanus sellatus Dejean, 1837 [species]

Chlorophanus separandus Desbr. D. Loges, 1872 [species]

Chlorophanus sibiricus Gyllenhal, 1834 [species]

Chlorophanus simulans Faust, 1897 [species]

Chlorophanus solarii Zumpt, T., 1937 [species]

Chlorophanus sparsus Rey, 1894 [species]

Chlorophanus splendens Hochhuth, I.H., 1847 [species]

Chlorophanus submarginalis Schoenherr, 1826 [species]

Chlorophanus tokatensis Reitter, E., 1915 [species]

Chlorophanus ulrichi Faust, 1897 [species]

Chlorophanus undulatus Uhler, 1855 [species]

Chlorophanus venustus Erichson, 1834 [species]

Chlorophanus vestitus Fåhraeus, 1840 [species]

Chlorophanus viduus Faust, 1886 [species]

Chlorophanus viridis Dejean, P.F.M.A. [species]

C. v. balcanicus, C. v. viridis

Chlorophanus vittatus Gyllenhal, 1834 [species]

Chlorophanus voluptificus Gyllenhal, L. in Schönherr, CJ., 1834 [species]


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