class Insecta
Phyllobius virideaeris (Laicharting, 1781) = Phyllobius chloris Boheman 1843 = Phyllobius chlorizans Boheman 1843 = Curculio fulvipes Paykull 1792 = Phyllobius impressirostris Boheman 1843 = Phyllobius latithorax Desbrochers 1873 = Phyllobius minutus Stephens 1831 = Phyllobius muchei Voss 1967 = Phyllobius narynensis Reitter 1916 = Phyllobius pacificus Motschulsky 1860 = Curculio pomonae Olivier 1807 = Phyllobius pseudochlorizans Reitter 1916 = Phyllobius pseudopomonae Reitter 1916 = Curculio uniformis Marsham 1802 = Phyllobius carinicollis Motschulsky 1860 = Phyllobius albidus Stephens 1831 = Phyllobius brevicollis Boheman 1843. [10, 187]
This species marks on the maps: 1.
Initial species uploading to the site: Peter Khramov.
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