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Genus Protostrophus

Insecta subclass Pterygota infraclass Neoptera superorder Holometabola order Coleoptera suborder Polyphaga infraorder Cucujiformia superfamily Curculionoidea family Curculionidae → genus Protostrophus


Daughter taxa

Protostrophus acuticollis van Emden, 1939 [species]

Protostrophus ambiguus Marshall, G.A.K., 1919 [species]

Protostrophus amplicollis Marshall, G.A.K., 1919 [species]

Protostrophus ancorifrons Marshall, G.A.K., 1919 [species]

Protostrophus angolanus Hustache , 1936 [species]

Protostrophus angulicollis van Emden, 1939 [species]

Protostrophus armatipes Marshall, G.A.K., 1936 [species]

Protostrophus barbifrons Marshall, G.A.K., 1925 [species]

Protostrophus brevicollis van Emden, 1939 [species]

Protostrophus brevicrinitus Hustache, A., 1937 [species]

Protostrophus carinirostris Marshall, G.A.K., 1920 [species]

Protostrophus cavirostris Marshall, G.A.K., 1923 [species]

Protostrophus cerealis Marshall, G.A.K., 1936 [species]

Protostrophus cognatus Marshall, G.A.K., 1927 [species]

Protostrophus compactus Marshall, G.A.K., 1927 [species]

Protostrophus concinnus Marshall, G.A.K., 1919 [species]

Protostrophus consobrinus Marshall, G.A.K., 1927 [species]

Protostrophus convexicollis Fåhraeus, O.I., 1871 [species]

Protostrophus crinitus Marshall, G.A.K., 1927 [species]

Protostrophus crucifer Marshall, G.A.K., 1919 [species]

Protostrophus crucifrons Marshall, G.A.K., 1919 [species]

Protostrophus denticollis Marshall, G.A.K., 1919 [species]

Protostrophus dilaticollis Marshall, G.A.K., 1919 [species]

Protostrophus edax Marshall, G.A.K., 1925 [species]

Protostrophus funestus Péringuey, L., 1908 [species]

Protostrophus gonocnemis Marshall, G.A.K., 1927 [species]

Protostrophus gonoderes Marshall, G.A.K., 1927 [species]

Protostrophus gravis van Emden, 1939 [species]

Protostrophus gulo Marshall, G.A.K., 1927 [species]

Protostrophus hamaticollis Marshall, G.A.K., 1919 [species]

Protostrophus hystrix Marshall, G.A.K., 1919 [species]

Protostrophus immerens Marshall, G.A.K., 1919 [species]

Protostrophus indoctus Marshall, G.A.K., 1919 [species]

Protostrophus indotatus Marshall, G.A.K., 1923 [species]

Protostrophus instabilis Marshall, G.A.K., 1920 [species]

Protostrophus integer Marshall, G.A.K., 1926 [species]

Protostrophus latirostris Marshall, G.A.K., 1927 [species]

Protostrophus longulus Marshall, G.A.K., 1919 [species]

Protostrophus lugubris Marshall, G.A.K., 1925 [species]

Protostrophus mucronatus Marshall, G.A.K., 1920 [species]

Protostrophus mutator Marshall, G.A.K., 1925 [species]

Protostrophus noxius Marshall, G.A.K., 1920 [species]

Protostrophus obliquecinctus Marshall, G.A.K., 1925 [species]

Protostrophus oblongus Marshall, G.A.K., 1927 [species]

Protostrophus obsoletesignatus Marshall, G.A.K., 1919 [species]

Protostrophus ocularius Marshall, G.A.K., 1927 [species]

Protostrophus perditor Marshall, G.A.K., 1923 [species]

Protostrophus perspicax Marshall, G.A.K., 1928 [species]

Protostrophus planatus Marshall, G.A.K., 1920 [species]

Protostrophus plumbeus Marshall, G.A.K., 1907 [species]

Protostrophus praelongatus van Emden, 1939 [species]

Protostrophus pupillatus Marshall, G.A.K., 1919 [species]

Protostrophus purcelli Marshall, G.A.K., 1923 [species]

Protostrophus rotundicollis Marshall, G.A.K., 1919 [species]

Protostrophus rotundus Marshall, G.A.K., 1925 [species]

Protostrophus sebakuanus Marshall, G.A.K., 1923 [species]

Protostrophus setifer van Emden, 1939 [species]

Protostrophus sorghi Marshall, G.A.K., 1936 [species]

Protostrophus sparsus Marshall, G.A.K., 1919 [species]

Protostrophus spinicollis Marshall, G.A.K., 1919 [species]

Protostrophus spinulosus Hustache, A., 1937 [species]

Protostrophus strigifrons Marshall, G.A.K., 1919 [species]

Protostrophus sulcatifrons Marshall, G.A.K., 1927 [species]

Protostrophus terrenus Marshall, G.A.K., 1920 [species]

Protostrophus turpis van Emden, 1939 [species]

Protostrophus vastator Marshall, G.A.K., 1927 [species]

Protostrophus vorax Marshall, G.A.K., 1925 [species]


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