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Genus Byrsops

Insecta subclass Pterygota infraclass Neoptera superorder Holometabola order Coleoptera suborder Polyphaga infraorder Cucujiformia superfamily Curculionoidea family Brachyceridae → genus Byrsops


Daughter taxa

Byrsops alveata Pascoe, F.P., 1887 [species]

Byrsops amplexicollis Boheman, C.H. in Schönherr, C.J., 1834 [species]

Byrsops angustata Boheman, C.H. in Schönherr, C.J., 1842 [species]

Byrsops angustatus Boheman, 1842 [species]

Byrsops apicalis Boheman, C.H. in Schönherr, C.J., 1842 [species]

Byrsops aurivilliusi Marshall, G.A.K., 1907 [species]

Byrsops bisignata Fairmaire, L., 1871 [species]

Byrsops bohemani Boheman, C.H. in Schönherr, C.J., 1842 [species]

Byrsops buccellaria Gyllenhal, L. in Schönherr, C.J., 1834 [species]

Byrsops buccellarius Gyllenhal, 1834 [species]

Byrsops cuneata Marshall, G.A.K., 1907 [species]

Byrsops deformis Marshall, G.A.K., 1907 [species]

Byrsops deprimatus Boheman, 1842 [species]

Byrsops encausta Pascoe, F.P., 1887 [species]

Byrsops eximia Pascoe, F.P., 1887 [species]

Byrsops flavicollis Marshall, G.A.K., 1907 [species]

Byrsops glaucescens Pascoe, F.P., 1887 [species]

Byrsops hexina Marshall, G.A.K., 1907 [species]

Byrsops hopei Boheman, C.H. in Schönherr, C.J., 1842 [species]

Byrsops hottentotta Boheman, C.H. in Schönherr, C.J., 1842 [species]

Byrsops hottentottus Boheman, 1842 [species]

Byrsops insincera Boheman, C.H. in Schönherr, C.J., 1842 [species]

Byrsops insincerus Boheman, 1842 [species]

Byrsops intermedia Pascoe, F.P., 1887 [species]

Byrsops lineata Schenkling, S. & Marshall, G.A.K., 1929 [species]

Byrsops lutosa Gyllenhal, L. in Schönherr, C.J., 1834 [species]

Byrsops lutosus Gyllenhal, 1834 [species]

Byrsops mendica Pascoe, F.P., 1887 [species]

Byrsops noordhoekiana Hesse , 1929 [species]

Byrsops peringueyi Marshall, G.A.K., 1907 [species]

Byrsops planus Schoenherr, 1834 [species]

Byrsops plumbea Pascoe, F.P., 1887 [species]

Byrsops praemorsus Schoenherr, 1842 [species]

Byrsops pusio Schoenherr, 1834 [species]

Byrsops quadrata Boheman, C.H. in Schönherr, C.J., 1834 [species]

Byrsops quadratus Schoenherr, 1833 [species]

Byrsops rana Boheman, 1842 [species]

Byrsops retusa Boheman, C.H. in Schönherr, C.J., 1842 [species]

Byrsops retusus Schoenherr, 1842 [species]

Byrsops scapularis Pascoe, F.P., 1887 [species]

Byrsops socia Pascoe, F.P., 1887 [species]

Byrsops sphodra Boheman, C.H. in Schönherr, C.J., 1842 [species]

Byrsops sphodrus Boheman, 1842 [species]

Byrsops spinicollis Boheman, C.H. in Schönherr, C.J., 1842 [species]

Byrsops spinulosa Marshall, G.A.K., 1907 [species]

Byrsops sulcicollis Gyllenhal, L. in Schönherr, C.J., 1834 [species]

Byrsops suturalis Boheman, C.H. in Schönherr, C.J., 1842 [species]

Byrsops terrena Pascoe, F.P., 1887 [species]

Byrsops tersula Pascoe, F.P., 1887 [species]

Byrsops tetragona Boheman, C.H. in Schönherr, C.J., 1833 [species]

Byrsops tetragonus Schoenherr, 1842 [species]

Byrsops thunbergi Boheman, C.H. in Schönherr, C.J., 1842 [species]

Byrsops troglodytes Gyllenhal, L. in Schönherr, C.J., 1834 [species]

Byrsops verrucosa Marshall, G.A.K., 1907 [species]

Byrsops vexator Marshall, G.A.K., 1907 [species]

Byrsops vicaria Pascoe, F.P., 1887 [species]

Byrsops vitiosa Boheman, C.H. in Schönherr, C.J., 1834 [species]

Byrsops vitiosus Boheman, 1842 [species]

Byrsops vittigera Pascoe, F.P., 1887 [species]

Byrsops westermanni Boheman, C.H. in Schönherr, C.J., 1842 [species]


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