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Genus Rhinomacer

Insecta subclass Pterygota infraclass Neoptera superorder Holometabola order Coleoptera suborder Polyphaga infraorder Cucujiformia superfamily Curculionoidea family Attelabidae → genus Rhinomacer


Daughter taxa

Rhinomacer alni Muller, 1776 [species]

Rhinomacer antiodontalgicus Gerbi, 1795 [species]

Rhinomacer attelaboides F., 1787 [species]

Rhinomacer auratus Geoffroy, 1785 [species]

Rhinomacer australiae Lea, 1926 [species]

Rhinomacer avellanae Mueller, 1776 [species]

Rhinomacer bacchus Laichart, 1781 [species]

Rhinomacer betulae Mueller, 1776 [species]

Rhinomacer bispinus Mueller, 1776 [species]

Rhinomacer bombifrons J. Leconte, 1876 [species]

Rhinomacer brentoides Rossi, 1790 [species]

Rhinomacer caeruleus Petagna, 1786 [species]

Rhinomacer campanulae Mueller, 1776 [species]

Rhinomacer canescens Semenow, 1899 [species]

Rhinomacer coccineus Geoffroy, 1785 [species]

Rhinomacer coeruleus Geoffroy, 1785 [species]

Rhinomacer collaris Dejean, 1821 [species]

Rhinomacer comptus J. Leconte, 1876 [species]

Rhinomacer coryli Laichart, 1781 [species]

Rhinomacer cupreus Harrer, 1784 [species]

Rhinomacer curculioides Fabricius, 1781 [species]

Rhinomacer curculionoides Laichart, 1781 [species]

Rhinomacer elongatus J. Leconte, 1896 [species]

Rhinomacer flavipes Muller , 1776 [species]

Rhinomacer frumentarius Mueller, 1776 [species]

Rhinomacer fulgidus Geoffr. in Fourcroy, 1785 [species]

Rhinomacer fulvipes Geoffroy, 1785 [species]

Rhinomacer fulvus Brahm, 1790 [species]

Rhinomacer gibbus Mueller, 1776 [species]

Rhinomacer inermis Mueller, 1776 [species]

Rhinomacer lepturoides F., 1801 [species]

Rhinomacer minutus Geoffroy, 1785 [species]

Rhinomacer necydaloides Ziegler [species]

Rhinomacer nemoralis Muller , 1776 [species]

Rhinomacer niger Geoffroy, 1785 [species]

Rhinomacer oblongus Geoffroy, 1785 [species]

Rhinomacer pallipennis Blatchley & Leng, 1916 [species]

Rhinomacer pilosus J. Leconte, 1876 [species]

Rhinomacer pisi Harrer, 1784 [species]

Rhinomacer politus Muller , 1776 [species]

Rhinomacer populi O. F. Mueller, 1776 [species]

Rhinomacer quadratus Voet, 1806 [species]

Rhinomacer rhinomacer Dalla Torre & Voss, 1937 [species]

Rhinomacer ruber Geoffr. in Fourcroy, 1785 [species]

Rhinomacer rufitarsis Latreille, 1797 [species]

Rhinomacer rufulus Broun, 1880 [species]

Rhinomacer schaefferi Harrer, 1784 [species]

Rhinomacer seminudus Latreille, 1797 [species]

Rhinomacer similis Muller , 1776 [species]

Rhinomacer striatus Geoffroy, 1785 [species]

Rhinomacer testaceus Harrer, 1784 [species]

Rhinomacer umbellatorum Latreille, 1804 [species]

Rhinomacer unispinus Mueller, 1776 [species]

Rhinomacer varius Fabricius, 1798 [species]

Rhinomacer viridis Geoffr. in Fourcroy, 1785 [species]


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